The Fall

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(The Omega stands in front of the blackened Realm Crystal, with Lloyd, Coral, and Garmadon in a fighting stance before him.)

The Omega: So, this is the Realm of the First Spinjitzu Master? Soon, the power will be gone. Forever.

Lloyd: Power? (Turns to Garmadon.) Father, what is he talking about?

Garmadon: What do you think? Power of your grandfather, the power of Creation.

The Omega: (Holds his fist at them.) Soon, there will be nothing, but Destruction. And soon my wife Mystake will pay for betraying our kind.

Coral: Wait what? Wife?! 

Lloyd and Garmadon: Wife?! 

Ninja: (On the Bounty hearing the conversation.) Wife?! 

The Omega: Yes. She will pay dearly for coming to this place and helping the First Spinjitzu Master. 

Coral: (Shooken up a little but shakes it off.) Well I hate to tell you this but Mystake is dead. Ask him. (Looks to Garnadon.) 

Garmadon: Hmm. Guilty as charged. 

The Omega(Points his staff at Garmadon.) You. You are Oni. You have killed my wife. Yet, why have you not taken this realm?

Garmadon: (Lloyd and Coral glare at him.) Well, I... it's complicated. Enough talk. Let's get this over with.

Lloyd: (Immediately does Spinjitzu.) Ha-aahh!! (The Omega whips his staff against Lloyd, throwing him back against the wall. Groans and slumps to the ground.) Uah-ahh.

Garmadon: (The Omega swings his staff wildly at him. He tries to dodge it, but is struck down. Groans. Then gets up, chuckling.) Is that the worst you can do? I'm growing bored. (Summons his power and throws it at the Omega. The Omega blocks it, and it bounces back. Garmadon ducks down, and it creates a hole in the wall behind them. Lloyd, Coral, and Garmadon look back at The Omega fearfully. The Omega jumps up, twirling, and lands near Lloyd and Coral, striking them against another wall. Lloyd groans, panting. Coral's head camera is knocked off and is now broken.) Don't just sit there. Get up and fight!

Lloyd: Aagh! Unh! (Shouts angrily and runs at the Omega again, but he swings his staff around, knocking him back through the hole. He crashes into a podium, and the Sword of Sanctuary falls out. He gasps, looking into the sword.) The Sword of Sanctuary. The future is reflected in its blade. (Gets up.) Try that again. (Flips through the hole, and leaps at the Omega. The Omega throws darkness, wrapping him in it.) Huh? (Coral tries to save Lloyd, but The Omega throws her into the air and strikes her with the staff against the wall. He does the same for Lloyd. They both groan and slump down. The Omega tries to do the same with Garmadon.) Guess they don't care much about the future. (Rolls over.) I'm getting tired of this.

Garmadon: (Uses his power to push the darkness.) So am I! How did you ever defeat me in the first place? (Garmadon shoves his power into the Omega, and they continue to fight each other. Lloyd runs to the crystal. The Omega turns around and throws his darkness at him, but Coral creates her crystal swords, slicing at the darkness, while Lloyd flips, smashing the Realm Crystal into pieces. Lloyd smiles, landing.) Took you long enough.

Lloyd: Oh, come on! That was awesome!

Garmadon: It was adequate.

Coral: Who cares? We did it! 

The Omega: Fool! (Slams the staff on the ground.) The Realm Crystal was merely the key in which we opened the gateway. Destroying it will accomplish nothing.

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