Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Before Song Guoliang's death, he was a department-level cadre in Yunhai City. His wife Tu Fang was also the director of the office. His only daughter Song Nina was even more charming and had many suitors on campus.

The originally happy family was planning to go abroad for vacation on October 1, but unexpectedly the apocalypse suddenly came.

Song Guoliang's department is rich and lucrative, and he is tactful and courteous. He has been greedy in recent years. Not only did he buy a small villa, but he also secretly kept a mistress outside.

When the apocalypse came, he was hanging out at his mistress's house. Suddenly he received a call from his daughter, crying and saying that there were all man-eating monsters outside. At first, he didn't believe it. He just thought that his daughter had heard something outside and came to cause trouble on purpose. Until then, When the beautiful face of the woman who had been intimate with him suddenly became stiff and leaking pus, and she rushed towards him with her long fingernails and fangs, he began to realize that the world was going to be in chaos...

"Nina, are everything hidden?"

Song Guoliang watched the survivors queuing up for inspection at the entrance of the H City base and was forced to hand over most of the supplies they carried. He sneered secretly: These idiots, I wonder how the base can accept them unconditionally now. Or did he have the foresight to hand over the valuables? I asked my daughter to hide everything, and then use these things to find connections after entering the base, and worry about not being able to...

Thinking about it, Song Guoliang glanced at his charming and pretty daughter and said with unclear eyes: "Go and register with dad."

Song Nina trembled slightly and followed obediently, her pretty face no longer showing the arrogance it once had.

She and her parents fled all the way and witnessed the survivors along the way being eaten by large groups of zombies. Even her mother was pushed into the pile of zombies by Song Guoliang himself.

Fortunately, my father still loves me, Song Nina thought happily.

The Song family's father and daughter lined up quietly waiting for the registrar's inspection...

"Where are you from? What's your name? Do you have any special powers?"

"My name is Song Guoliang, and I am the section chief of the Yunhai City XX Bureau. This is my daughter Song Nina. None of us have special powers."

The registrar, who had long been impatient with the increasing number of survivors in recent days, glanced at the father and daughter mockingly. At this moment, he still thought that his official position was useful. The little girl was quite smart. .

"Go and fill out the form, pay 80% of the supplies you carry with you, and then go get your identity tag and observe in the observation room for forty-eight hours. If there are no mutations, you can enter the city."

When Song Guoliang saw this situation, he quickly winked at his daughter. Song Nina gritted her teeth reluctantly and moved closer to the thin and wretched registrar: "Brother, you see that our father and daughter are new here, so we don't know much about it. This base is waiting for the situation."

The registrar squinted and glanced at Song Nina's plump breasts, reached out and pinched her twice hard and said with a smile: "Little beauty, what do you want to ask?"

Song Guoliang quickly took out a crumpled cigarette from his pocket and handed it over: "Brother, how can I find Director Liu of our Capital XX Bureau? Hi, my wife is somewhat related to him."

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