Chapter 9

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I eagerly awaited the unfolding drama. I was certain that Bhavya, like a pawn on a chessboard, would serve my master's dark desires well.

Satisfied with the turn of events, I left the scene, confident that our revenge plot was well underway.


Aditya's Pov

Lying on my bed, thoughts of Bhavya consume my mind. Her beauty, her gentle voice, and the way she showed genuine concern when Ratan punched me replay in my head. I would have had her if Ratan hadn't intervened.

At first, I didn't want any part in this plan, but everything changed when I saw her photo. The image stunned me, but seeing her in person at the Haveli, dressed in that stunning white saree, surpassed anything captured in that photo.

I get up from the bed and wander into the bathroom, studying my reflection in the mirror. I gently touch the bruise on my cheek, remembering how softly she held my face, her touch against my skin. A smirk crosses my lips, "You'll be mine, Bhavya."

Bhavya's Pov

Returning home with my aunt and uncle, they immediately noticed the bruise on my arm. Concern etched on their faces, they bombarded me with questions about what had happened. I shrugged it off, claiming I was about to fall, and someone helped me. I insisted it was nothing and that it would be fine.

Retreating to my room, I sat on the bed, lost in my thoughts. The door creaked open, and my aunt entered, a first aid kit in hand. She sat down beside me, carefully taking my bruised arm in hers. Opening the kit, she applied cream to the injury with gentle precision.

As she worked, my aunt looked at my face, only to find tears streaming down my cheeks. The overwhelming events of the day, from Ratan's behavior to the Rathores and the fight between Ratan and Aditya, had taken their toll on me.

Worriedly, my aunt set aside the first aid kit and pulled me into a comforting embrace. Rubbing my back soothingly, she reassured me that everything would be okay. In the safety of her arms, I let out the sobs that had been building up, the weight of the day finally crashing down on me.

"It's alright, Bhavya. Let it out. Everything will be okay," my aunt whispered, offering solace in the midst of my emotional storm.

After finally calming down, my aunt released me from her comforting embrace. She gently suggested that I change out of the saree into pajamas and take some much-needed rest. With those caring words, she left the room, giving me the space to gather myself.

I followed her advice, changing into comfortable pajamas and tying my hair into a loose braid. Lying down on the bed, I found it hard to sleep at first. The events of the day kept replaying in my mind, making it difficult to find peace in the quiet of the night.

But as time passed, exhaustion took over, and I started feeling tired. Slowly, the chaotic thoughts began to fade away, and I drifted off to sleep.

(A week later)

Waking up to the soft morning light, I stretch and yawn before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. Looking in the mirror, I notice my tired eyes and pale face, reminders of the stress from work.

Ignoring these feelings, I go through my usual morning routine, feeling uneasy about the day ahead. The thought of seeing HIM at work dampens my mood, but I try to push it aside. Lately, I've been avoiding talking to him and ignoring his attempts to reach out. Part of me wants to hear his reasons, but I remember how he's acted, and I decide to shield myself from more pain. With a sigh, I pick out some clothes from my closet and take a quick shower.

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