Caesar Flickerman and a Sad, Sad Song

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First Person~Becca Blue

The week flew by, and now here was the end of the line. Over the week, I had barely practiced any combat, mostly my agility and slyness. I had spent the week stealing weapons from other tributes, and bringing them to the kids from three, who were now my friends, and allies. We would stay in the ceiling, they would teach me how to create explosives with barely nothing, and in return I taught them how to recognize poison, how to spot an edible animal, and a little bit of stealth.

I could tell Picker was angry, or annoyed with me. He wanted me to practice combat, practice how to kill, he thinks I can't win.

I laid in bed, deep in thought, however my thoughts were interrupted by banging on my door.

"What?" I groaned, knowing by the knocking it wasn't Effie.

"Get up, kid," Haymitch said through the door, "scoring is today." My eyes widened and I scrambled out of bed. I skittered towards the door and swung it open, only to find Haymitch looming, no light but a small candle in the distance.

"What time is it?" I murmured, rubbing the sleepiness from my tired eyes, Haymitch chuckled, "what?"

"I'm talking to you two separately, now follow me." He said, then turned.

"It's still dark," I protested, but I still followed him. I was wearing the outfit I was reaped in, a white tanktop and my sage skirt.

"Come on, kid," he said. He led me to the kitchen where we sat down and he made a mug of hot chocolate, which was delicious.

"Why are we doing this so early?" I asked, "what are you coaching me for? Aren't the interviews tomorrow?" I asked again, taking quick sips from my warm mug.

"Listen," Haymitch said, "today, you have to impress the spectators."

"I know," I said.

"I'm serious," Haymitch, "You are the very last to go in, they're gonna blow you off like you're nothing. You'll be lucky if they even give you a glance." Haymitch said, before I could even open my mouth, he started speaking again. "They're used to the kids from Twelve to throw a spear, throw a knife, and miss. So you really need to impress them, alright? If you do, your chances of living go up." Haymitch said.

"Why aren't you telling Picker this?" I asked, putting down my mug.

"Because I know you haven't been practicing any combat." Haymitch said, "so you need to find a way to impress them, make a mark." He said, and I just nodded. "Now go get back in bed before Picker finds us and thinks we're conspiring against him." He chuckled, I laughed, then walked back to my room.

"Big, big, big day!" I heard coming from outside my room, "Everybody, up!" Effie squealed.

I chuckled to myself as I pretended to groan, and got out of bed. Haymitch had already woken me up, so I was already awake. I walked towards the door, and when I opened it, Haymicth was on the other side of the hallway, wrapped in a navy blue robe. He put his finger to his lips quickly, then walked away. I followed into the dining area.

Picker came in shortly after, and then the avoxes came with fluffy pancakes, strawberries and a chocolate fountain.

Breakfast was filled with chatter between everyone, and brief bickering between Haymitch and Effie. Once breakfast was over, Picker and I were rushed to get dressed, and then we had to get downstairs quickly so we would be on time. Once we were done, Effie and Haymitch would be up here waiting for us.


The training center had never felt more eerie. The tributes were placed in a room, basically a cage. When our name was called, metal bars would lift, and we would walk into the training center.

When The Canary SingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ