I Bid You Adieu.

339 17 96

First Person: Becca Blue


They wash all the sand out of my hair and give me a dark blue silk floor length gown, with golden accents. They strung golden charms in strands of my hair, and gave me a gold and pearl necklace. They have deep blue eyeshadow and a bright, alluring, popping red lip. Ophelia told me that the red lip was my trademark, it was my thing.

At this party, I was surprisingly left alone, for the most part. Of course, I still danced with many Capitol people, and ate and drank with them, but mostly, everyone was absolutely obsessed with Finnick. The lights were warm and calming, and my heels clicked on the floor as I walked. This was one of the parties I actually enjoyed.

The food was good. They had trays of seafood, and a whole table of deserts. My favorite thing was the spicy shrimp, Haymitch had to grab me away from those. At the desert table, they had a hundred of these tiny cakes that were all different flavors. Ranging from normal vanilla and chocolate to the most extravagant flavors I've ever heard of. I think I had about two dozen before someone asked me to dance.

Along with the millions of Capitolites that had asked for a dance, I also got to dance with Finnick and Annie, who were both great dancers. I taught Finnick a District 12 folk dance that he had trouble picking up, but when Annie became his partner, all was fine.

Everything was okay.


I can't sleep.

I don't know what they put in those cakes that they were serving, but it had to be something, because I was restless. My head and stomach hurt at the same time, and I want to die. I wondered if it was alcohol of some sorts, and then I wondered if people were playing a game called, "who can make Becca drunk the fastest?" Or maybe it was called, "the-who-can-spike-Becca's-food-and-drinks-the-most-before-she- notices-game."

I was in a simple T-shirt and shorts, something nice for the hot and humid weather of Four. I was currently trying to sleep in the extra bedroom in Finnick and Annie's house. Effie has the bedroom next to mine, Haymitch is on the couch, Finnick and Annie share a bed like usual, and I don't even know where my prep team is.

My thoughts kept drifting back to the two boys who usually occupied them. Will and Chip, except tonight was mostly Chip.

Tomorrow, I would have to face his grieving parents. How was I supposed to do that? Look them in the eyes and tell them their son was so brave and noble, so brave that he sacrificed himself for me. A girl he barely knew. Trixie's parents too, what did I do for her? Gave her a stupid coin?

I am such an idiot.

Sitting up in bed, I looked down at my hands to see the remnants of my red lipstick that I had tried to wipe off. Yuck. It made me look so much older than I was. It took me from thirteen to fifteen in mere seconds, like magic. Suddenly, I feel a surge of nausea flow in my stomach, then the bile raise up my throat. I quickly seal my lips and bolt to the bathroom and throw my guts up as quietly as I can. 

After puking all the contents of my stomach up into the toilet while holding up my own hair, I walk back into the bedroom. I remember one time when I was five, I got real sick, something called scarlet fever. When I threw up, Mama held up my hair. Mama said I almost died, but a stranger saved my life. Apparently she took me to the Hob, while I was on my deathbed, and screamed for help. Someone who she didn't name had staggered over and handed her a bottle of pills. She never knew how they got them, or why they gave them to her, but they saved my life. 

As I think, I look out the window to see the glimmering ocean that Chip wanted to see so badly. I crawled out of bed and grabbed my notebook. Ripping out a page and grabbing a pen from the desk, I started writing.

When The Canary SingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz