Flaming Scales

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We? Dragon blood?

Had it been the voice of death? Maybe it had been something I'd imagined to soothe the fear of what awaited me.

Did it matter?

I was currently falling helplessly into an obsidian abyss, certain demise awaiting me at the looming bottom. Screaming seemed pointless since I could no longer sense the slightest indication of the others falling beside me. Hopefully, Art had found the strength to teleport them to safety before the darkness had caught up with them. The thought offered me a sliver of peace after my death.

They would hurt for a while, but at least they'd be alive to expose the king for what he was—a liar. At least, Caiden could assume the throne and—


I jolted when I felt warm fingers clasp around my wrist. A second later, my throat knotted, and regret wound my windpipe tight. I'd recognize this warmth anywhere, even through this impenetrable darkness.

"Caiden," I whispered, my heart shattering into hopeless pieces. Why was he still here?

My body was jerked forward through the air into a pair of frenzied arms. One hand slid behind my head, his fingers tangling with my windblown hair. The other gently moved around my waist, pressing me against Caiden's breathless body. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, his warm lips pressing against my skin.

Countless questions lingered on the tip of my tongue, but I didn't want to spend my final breaths arguing.

I dug my fingers into his frayed uniform and snuggled closer, breathing in his scent and taking a long moment to relish his familiar warmth.

"I lost Piper and Alia," he whispered, his voice breaking and his hands trembling against me. "A rock hit my head. I only passed out for a moment, but my hands were empty when I came to it. I shouted for them—I shouted for you, but no one answered. Spirits, Will. Why did you not answer? Were you hurt?"

My heart clenched at his confession. I hadn't heard him. Why hadn't I heard him when the ground had swallowed us right next to each other? Why hadn't he heard me when I'd screamed my lungs dry?

I tightened my grip on him, trying to focus on his embrace instead of the horrors happening around us.

There was no telling what had happened to the others. There was no helping them either. Death was imminent.

"No," I finally whispered after a long moment of silence. "I'm no more physically hurt than before we fell. I screamed, too, but no one responded."

My throat clenched, regret tightening its grip on me. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't moved, the ground wouldn't have cracked and we—"

"Stop it, Will," Caiden said, his tone hard and steady like a thick layer of his royal resilience had filled the cracks I'd seen before. "Alia told you this before; you're the only one of us who has a chance to see this mission through. Once your strength returns, find Pavo's cave and expose my father's deceit. Don't let my brother ascend the throne."

I stiffened. "What are you saying, Caiden?" I whispered.

Caiden pulled back to press his brow against mine. "I cannot pull enough water from the air to protect both of us when we reach the ground. I love you, Willow, and I need you to live so that you can protect Heliac. Be the queen that I know the spirits realize you to be."

"No!" I snapped, pressing my hands against his chest and fighting to free myself from his iron grip. "You can't, Caiden!"

My eyes stung at the thought of losing him and being the only one to defy death again—to live, but not really, not without him.

The Raven Flame [The Crown Saga III] (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now