Ties of Venom

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How could the star think to grant one of its warriors the powers of the very thing that plots to destroy it?

I stared at Apollo, intently searching his glinting silver eyes for any trace of deceit or blatant humor.

Minutes passed when I partially expected Apollo to burst out laughing and tell me he was joking. However, Apollo didn't break the silence draping my body like soaked garments. No laugh broke the honest smile stretching his thin lips, and no playful shadow lashed from those endless ink pools staring back at me.

He was serious—dead serious.

My jaw ached from clamping my lips shut to keep from gaping shamelessly, but I couldn't let go. I wasn't sure what response would roll past my tongue once I did.

"Your faith in Willow is admirable and much appreciated, but I must kindly ask you to let go of the lady."

My breath caught, and my jaw finally loosened from its rusted hinges when Caiden wrapped a relentless hand around Apollo's wrist. "Caiden," I whispered, my voice barely discernable past the wings beating in the distance.

He didn't look at me, his eyes determinedly fixed on Apollo, whose smile had vanished.

"We have had a long journey, and although those dragons of yours have mended the worst of her injuries, she is still fatigued and requires rest."

Caiden's face was so barren of emotion, leaving no crack to glimpse past his unwavering mask. It was a little frightening. I had seen him in his royal warrior appearance before, but only once had I seen him like this—back when the king had invited Knox and his family to the castle.

Apollo held Caiden's stare, not wavering from the hold on my hand that I had completely forgotten about. Another two minutes passed when they stood like that, staring each other down like two alphas contemplating a battle for dominance.

It was ridiculous.

I opened my mouth to tell them both off, but Apollo stepped back before a single note sounded from my tongue.

"Of course," Apollo said, letting go of my hand before Caiden could snap his wrist. "Apologies, Your Highness. It has been a while since the star has blessed us with another warrior. I didn't think to consider that your journey might have been rougher than expected.

"You must be Pangea's kid. Atlas, right? Future heir to the golden throne."

Caiden let Apollo go, but his mask remained indifferent—cold and skeptical. "I am," he finally said, clenching the empty hilt in his belt tightly.

"I see," Apollo said, presenting a friendly hand. "What a pleasure it is to finally put a face to the name. Pangea has told us much about you and your siblings over the years."

Caiden stared down at Apollo's hand hesitantly, his eyes studying every crease and golden scar covering Apollo's skin. Eventually, Caiden accepted Apollo's gesture, although I could tell it wasn't with kind intent.

"Apollo, was it?" Caiden said. "A peculiar name. I cannot say I have heard anything like it before."

Apollo chuckled, clenching Caiden's hand tightly. "My given name is actually Revon, as it was my father's name. However, my mother used to tell me stories of this old country called Greece and their gods.

"My powers emerged quite late in my years—fifteen, to be exact. My father left us when I was twelve, not long after my mother fell ill. She died two years later, so when I was given the opportunity to change my name, I didn't hesitate. Apollo was a god of many talents, among which was music.

"My mother loved music, so I took the name as a tribute to her and my powers."

My cheek suddenly felt damp. I reached up and realized a tear had fallen from my glossy eye. His story reminded me so much of Koa's that this brief introduction to his past made my heart ache with both sorrow and yearning.

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