Chapter 35: The Vanishing Ninjutsu

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Second release for today

"Fire Release: Sage Phoenix Fire!"

Witnessing Yu's strength, which surpassed his own expectations, Shisui was forced to tap into all his hidden potential.

In mid-air, struggling to maintain balance, Shisui swiftly formed hand seals and exhaled a burst of flames, instantly hurling six shurikens into the flames, dividing the fire into six small fireballs.

In the blink of an eye, six small fireballs, each with a spinning shuriken inside, fiercely approached. If they hit, Yu would suffer dual damage from Fire Release and shurikens.

"Such astounding resilience and talent... Truly worthy of being the future strongest Uchiha..."

'Too bad your life ended too short' This part Yu left unsaid...

Watching the incoming fireballs mixed with spinning shurikens, even Yu couldn't help but admire Shisui's extraordinary talent and indomitable spirit.

"But it ends here!"

"Clang! Clang! Clang!!"

Several crisp metal clashes rang out.

To everyone's astonishment, Yu swiftly slashed all six fire shurikens that Shisui had just released into two pieces using razor-sharp threads he summoned.

Shisui, who had just landed on the ground, hadn't even regained his balance when he suddenly saw a ninja sandal, which seemed to grow infinitely larger before his eyes. Yu's figure had somehow appeared right in front of him!


Tremendous force struck Shisui, sending him flying across the training ground.

"Even with the Sharingan, the body can't keep up..."

"This sensation must be quite unpleasant, Shisui..."

After kicking Shisui out with a powerful blow, Yu's movements did not pause. The chakra surging within him quickly condensed in his right palm, and in an instant, a swirling blue-white chakra sphere, known as the Rasengan, appeared in his hand.

Vanishing Rasengan!

"That jutsu?!"

Seeing the Rasengan in Yu's hand, the Third Hokage, who had been observing from the sidelines, widened his eyes as if witnessing something incredibly shocking.

"I've never seen a jutsu with that form... Could it be him again?!"

Moreover, there were no hand seals involved.

As the "Ninjutsu Master," the Third Hokage instantly recognized the tremendous value hidden within Yu's peculiar jutsu.

After all, this was an A-rank ninjutsu that the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, had spent three years developing in the original story.

"What kind of jutsu is that? I've never seen it before!"

"Another A-rank jutsu! And it's an unorthodox ninjutsu!"

"This is unbelievable! Could this kid be the reincarnation of the Sage of the Six Paths?!"

Seeing Yu wielding the Rasengan, the spectators around the training ground, including the Hokage himself, were nearly paralyzed with shock.

"What if...?"

"Let's use this jutsu..."

"To end this battle, Shisui."

With his gaze fixed on Shisui, who was sent flying by his earlier strike, Yu didn't hesitate. He immediately hurled the Rasengan from his hand.

Everyone widened their eyes, and time seemed to freeze in that moment.

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