Chapter 49: Turning the Tide

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"Sizzle, sizzle..."

As if a thousand birds were chirping simultaneously, a dazzling blue-white lightning illuminated the face of the fallen Mist Ninja, who gazed at death without closing his eyes.

"So, the one I attacked earlier was just another clone?!"

With a body pierced by Chidori from behind and the clone he had stabbed before dissipating into a puff of smoke, the expression on the Mist Ninja's face was filled with astonishment as he concluded taht Yu tricked him by using another clone.

"How is this possible? I can't accept it..."

"It doesn't matter if you accept it or not. This is the way of a ninja's battle. One small careless mistake and you are out"

Watching his fallen opponent, Yu slowly withdrew his left hand, which had unleashed the Chidori.

Feeling the strong resentment in the heart of the Mist Ninja, Yu calmly remarked, "You underestimated me, overestimated your ninjutsu and rank as a ninja, but neglected a crucial aspect..."

"Besides ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu... tactics are also an essential part of a ninja's fighting."



With his strength drained, the Mist Ninja fell to the ground, his gaze losing focus. With his last bit of consciousness, he pondered the reason for his failure but seeing the Yu that stabbed him with Chidori dissipate into smoke, he finally understood what happened!

The one I attacked earlier wasn't a clone...

He intentionally took my blow, transformed into a wooden log using substitution jutsu to confuse me, and then had his shadow clone attack me from behind, making me think the clone was his real body!

To think that he used an E-rank ninjutsu from the ninja academy to defeat a Jonin like me... What a terrifying kid!

Seeing the Mist Ninja finally breathe his last, Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth and rub his chest. He could clearly feel that one of his ribs was broken.

"Heh... after all, he's a Jonin. That last water relaese had real force behind it even though I manage to weaken the impact."

After all, the strength of an adult Jonin was not to be underestimated. Yu had taken a significant risk to end the battle quickly.

"Captain Sui?!"

"Are you kidding me? Captain Sui was killed by that brat?!"

Seeing the leader of their elite Mist squad fall victim to a six-year-old, the surrounding Mist Shinobi were dumbfounded by this absurd scene.

"Konoha's Bad Rock Rise!!"

In their shock and daze, a Mist Shinobi who was grabbed by Might Guy suddenly received a ferocious elbow strike to the face, rendering him unconscious.

"Yu actually took down that Jonin?!"

"He's too powerful... How can we, as senpais, be outperformed like this?!"

Observing the six-year-old Yu defeating the Mist Jonin, the fiery-hearted Might Guy went berserk, utilizing his taijutsu skills to charge fiercely at the group of Mist Shinobi.

"Curses... I can't even handle these guys."

On the other side, Yuhi Kurenai was pinned down by two Chunin and several Genin from the Mist Village. Feeling the immense gap in strength, the radiant young woman gritted her teeth and launched an attack.

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