One- Birthday Wishes

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Charlie and I are downstairs, getting the gifts ready right before we make our way up to go wake up Bella. Or she's already up we just need to give her these presents. Charlie goes up first with me behind him excited. He knocks on the door once and then enters. "Happy Birthday, Bells." He says. "Dad, [Name] we agreed no gifts." She tells us and I roll my eyes. "At least mines is not wrapped." He hands her a digital camera, "Okay, this is actually kind of great.
Thanks, Dad." She grinned at it, Charlie then gives her another gift, this time it was wrapped.

"Goes with this one, from your mom. We coordinated- well, she coordinated me." He explains and I smirk as I did hear all their phone calls. "Mines not a part of it." I hand her mine, "Don't open it yet." She nods and places it next to her. She opens the gift from Mom, it's a scrapbook. "To put your pictures in, record your senior year." He says then pauses as he thinks for a moment. "Man, senior year. How'd you get old so fast." He teases her. "Not that old," Bella mutters.

"I don't know, is that a wrinkle." He jokes but Bella freaks out, racing over to her mirror, searching for the wrinkle. "I was kidding." He huffs. "So not funny Dad." She grunts.
Charlie makes his leave and I close the door behind him. "Open my gift." I grin.

"[Name]-" "I don't want to hear it." I cut her off, shoving the gift in her arms. I patiently wait as she opens it. There lay two silver bracelets in a box. Had two charms each on both, hers having a dark blue gem then a plate that had the words "Love you, always" engraved into it. Mine had a red gem with the same saying. She smiles and then pulls me into a hug. "I keep forgetting how cold you are now." She laughs, stepping back and we put the bracelets on one another. "I love it, thank you." She jingles it around and I snicker, doing it back.

"I'm glad because I had no idea what to give you. But I wanted to piss you off with a gift." | winked, and before she could say anything back I was already out the door.

I rode my motorcycle to school, I had told Angela that I'd give her this book I owned but I kept forgetting. Pulling into the school Angela's already jogging over to me. "You brought it?" | then let my face drop jokingly, she doesn't know I'm joking though. "It's okay if you forgot again-" I cut her off with my own laughter, pulling out the book from my backpack. She sighs and chuckles too, taking the book from me. "I had to." | bump her and then stand up from my bike. Taking off my helmet and placing it on the bike. I turn back to her with a smile. fixing my hair as well

"I miss your septum." She suddenly says and I raise a brow. She starts to stammer as I patiently wait for her to let it out. "I mean, I didn't actually mean to say that out loud it's just um, you got rid of it out of nowhere it was a part of you and now it's like an empty... Space." I cross my arms, kind of agreeing with her. "I guess that's true." I shrug. I walk her to the others but not even within minutes Bella comes and they rush over to her truck like a flock of geese.
watch as Bella forces them to take pictures on her new camera, they all have fun with it even though Angela doesn't like pictures she joins in as well. It was cute. It ended as fast as it started though once that familiar Volvo pulls into its normal parking space. I smirk as their faces falter. "Oh good, Cullen's here." I hear Mike say dryly. "Yay," Jessica adds. They walk back over to where I was.

Jessica turns to me "You're dating the other two but you're not like obsessed with them." If only she knew. I shrug, "Too many homophobic and judgy people for that." They all give me a look. "You know I'm right." I laugh, I then notice Jacob running towards my sister, Edward seems very irritated. I didn't even realize the group went away from me as arms wrapped around my waist, lips kissing my shoulder. I take the arms, pulling the person in front of me, I already knew it was Alice. We stood there waiting for Jasper to join us.

We walk into the school together. Alice and Jasper holding hands. Alice was holding a wrapped gift in her other hand. "Do you think she will like it?" She asks me and I take an annoyed breath. "Bella doesn't like gifts in general but she will appreciate them." I was not annoyed with Alice, but more with my sister who acts like she doesn't secretly like the attention she inevitably will always get on her birthday. We went to the side of the hall, I kiss Jasper's cheek. "Hey, cowboy." He scoffs a laugh, rolling his eyes. Ever since he told me his backstory l've been teasing him about being a "cowboy". "Hi, darling." He whispers for me to hear. I peek over to see Alice staring at us, we look slightly down at her since she is shorter than us.

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