Six- Reincarnate pt. 1

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Bella was currently getting ready for the night of shopping with Jessica. I sat in her chair, watching her. She obviously was forcing herself to do this but I was proud nonetheless. I know how much this is probably taking out of her. She looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" She suddenly speaks and I tilt my head. "What?" | repeat back to her. "Why are you looking at me like that. She questions me. "Because I can?" | stand up, smiling in an annoying way on purpose. "Well, knock it off weirdo." She throws a pillow at me from her bed, which was easily caught in my hands. I gently toss it back onto the mattress. "Shouldn't you get going? That movie is in like 30 minutes." I point out to her, changing the subject.

"Oh, I didn't even notice." She lets out a loud sigh, messing with her hair before grabbing a few things. "Uh, do you think you can come with?" She asks, a hand in her back pocket. "Jessica might get upset if I tag along." I start to think about it. "More the reason to come, I guess." | shrug my shoulders as Bella rolls her eyes trying to hold back a laugh. "C'mon, [Name]." She shakes her head, she turns her lights off and we head out.

We exit a theater, just getting done watching some Zombie film, I wasn't really paying attention. A smell was bothering me the entire time and I couldn't even tell what it was. "I don't get why there are so many zombie movies." Bell states out loud, and it sounds kind of muffled at first when she speaks. "It's, like, a metaphor? For crass consumerism or something." Jessica says and both Bella and I glance at her then at each other. "Not that you'd know anything about consuming, Bella. You didn't buy anything. Surprisingly [Name] did. Jessica announces, slightly lifting my bag that holds a few clothing pieces. "I bought something." Bella argues. "Socks don't count. 'Course I was surprised you even called." The girl says truthfully.

"I've been kind of out of it." Kind of? Girl was in mourning.

"Kind of? I mean, at first I was worried. Then I'm like okay, she's still bumming? It's not like I wasn't going through things too. Like Mike deciding he wanted to "just be friends?" That was really hard and..." Wow... way to make things about herself, Jesus Christ.

"How 'bout a ride girls?" A guy questions from across the street. "How about you fuck yourself?" I flip him off, Jessica and I start to walk off, listening to the guys whistle and talk about my little comment.

"Come on." Jessica tries to pull on Bella to follow with us. "I know them... I think." Bella mutters and my eyes widen then give her a dirty look.

"Bella Swan, come on right now." I fold my arms. "Can we just go-" Jessica pulls at her arm but it's shrugged off. "I want to see something." Bella walks away from us. Jessica and I watch my sister go up to these guys and I notice her heart speeds up and then for split seconds it has a weird beat to it. Her body stops realizing something. I don't listen to the guys speak, just focusing on Bella's movements and her heartbeat. Bella climbs onto the bike and I stiffen up ."Bella!" The bike already went to a movement and then I hear Bella tell the man to wait. Then she screams at him to stop and he does so, of course with a stupid ass comment. She scrambles off and comes back up to us. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Jessica storms up to Bella, meeting her halfway. I pinch my nose bridge shaking my head. "I saw something." Bella was really just speaking to herself. "You are insane. Or suicidal." Jessica walks in front of us. I observe my sister. "The more dangerous... the more real it was."

"So, what, you're like an adrenaline junky now? Go hang-gliding or bungee-jumping. Don't be a complete freak." Jessica tells my sister and Bella looks over at me to which I shake my head at her. "That was not okay." I point to her chest, walking ahead with Jessica.

The next day I decided to do some research on a few things. I guess Bella went to the rez. I would've gone if it wouldn't have been awkward around Sam now.

Charlie's been getting phone calls from Sam every two hours it seems. He's been practically begging me to just answer it but I have nothing to say to the guy. I scrolled on my laptop, trying to find the myths of the Quileute tribe. Only to find the same ones over and over again about werewolves. I rolled my eyes, accidentally slamming the laptop closed, standing up as I do so. "Shit." | mutter, l'm gonna have to go to the library the Quileute people have. And usually I get stares from the older generations because they can sense what I am somehow.
Placing my hands on my hips I think about what I'm going to do. Staring at the window I could sneak out of or just tell my dad the truth about where l'm going.

I close my eyes and listen in on my dads heartbeat from the other room. It was steady and slowed. Definitely sleeping. That means I have about an hour until he wakes up to try to figure out dinner or whatever. I hurry out of the window and get my motorcycle. Since it's going to make noise I glance around to see if anyone would be outside. Seeing as it's clear I rush it down the road before starting it up and speeding down. Hearing the roar of it speed up made me think back to the feeling of jumping off that cliff. The little things that almost make me feel human.

had to snap out of my thoughts before I get carried away and forget where I was going. Pulling into a parking spot I stared at the building in front of me.

Bella said she went here before when she was trying to find out about the Cullens before. I got off my bike and slowly made my way to the building, looking around feeling something watching me. Trying to shake the feeling, I enter the library with a smile. The lady at the front desk goes to smile back but once she looks at me directly her face falls slightly. "Do you have any books on the myths of the incarnates?" I speak up, patiently waiting for her to calm herself down. "Yes, who is it for?" She questions me to which I raise a brow to.

Taken a back obviously. "Myself? I am interested in knowing more about them." I try to give her a smile again but she just gives a dirty look, walking to the back. Knowing she's not going to want me to follow I just stand still.

Moments later she comes back with two books in hand. "Here, books are usually taken out for two weeks, most I can give is maybe three. Unless you're looking to purchase." She doesn't look me in the eye anymore. I figured that's the response I would've gotten. I'm not an idiot.

"Two weeks is fine." I tell her.


"[Name] Swan." I can be just as short too but that's not how I am. I stick with my sickly sweet attitude and still have a smile on my face. These people obviously have their myths for a reason. l'm not upset that she's treating me like this because I have no idea the extent of what the vampires have done to her ancestors and others. "Email." I give the rest of my information out to her and tell her to have a goodnight as I leave. Barely getting a mumble out in return.
I get on my bike, still feeling this odd sense of being watched I look around again. What the hell is going on? I speed off, going around people who decide they should walk in the middle of the road and not on the side walks. Of course getting middle fingers, I do it back.

Getting back to the house I sneak back into my window, hearing my dad's heart beat still slow and steady I know he hasn't even woken up. I close my window and turn on my bright ass light that's on my ceiling. I stare at the books that now lay on my bed, wondering what I'm even going to find out.

I opened the first one. It's definitely older. I feel like I shouldn't even be able to hold this in my possession. My eyes scan the first page. The title sending shivers down my spine, "Reincarnate of Gods."

For hours I read each page, observed each picture, reread many lines and paragraphs. Listening to my sister come through the front door didn't even faze me. Along with my dad coming into my room numerous times just to stare at me. Not one word was said to me. Not even for dinner for some reason.

Maybe he thinks l'm reading for school. Who knows.

I started writing down the information I was getting from the books as well.

Knowing that I'm going to have to speak with Billy Black after this. There's no way I can understand most of this on my own. Like how it says it's a descendant from the Gods then to the Quileutes. I'm confused to say the least.

I then should've been an incarnate for Wolves. And if that's true I can't be a vampire.

And I am. Most definitely am.

The Switch of Daylight- Alice x Reader x JasperWhere stories live. Discover now