He Will Hunt More Than Only Deer

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I'd built my house on the outskirts of town for a reason.

The good people from Pinewood all thought it was because of my work. I fixed all kinds of things for anyone who asked, often in trade for a free dinner or a low fee. I was the good citizen who took the needs of others into account and ensure nobody was forced to 'enjoy' listening to my hammering, drilling, shredding, and sawing all day.

Of course, I was that considerate, helpful neighbour they all thought I was. But being considerate was only part of it. The biggest reason I lived away from the others was so we wouldn't immediately be exposed as supernaturals the moment one of the younger werewolves had a little oopsie with an uncontrolled shifting.

I'd had some close calls over the years, but always came out unscathed. Thankfully, so had everyone else. That was a miracle in itself because the humans seemed to smell it when you didn't want them to come poking around.

Honestly. Why was it that every time I did not want anyone around, someone came poking?

Tonight, it was Xavier's father and mother. They kept the romance alive by going on walks together and diving into the bushes beside my house to make out. Good for them. A little less good for me as I was forced to listen to them giggling and exchanging saliva, sometimes more.

While I was inclined to tell the young people off for fooling around beside my house, I always left Xavier's parents be. For starters, it would be too embarrassing for all parties involved if I confronted them. They would be left wondering if I'd known they were there every time (yes, I had), and I'd be admitting I knew they were there but didn't confront them the first two-hundred times. At some point, the window of opportunity passed, and you just had to live with these things.

Besides, I knew Mr. and Mrs. David had met at a bonfire night long ago. They'd probably been sneaking off alone longer than I'd been alive, and who was I to get in the way of their tradition?

I was content burying my head below a pillow and waiting until the two lovebirds left. But then I heard the window in the room next to mine open with a squeak. I jolted upright in my bed immediately and dashed to Etienne's room.

Etienne stood beside the window. He looked at me over his shoulder.

"Don't you dare!" I hissed.

Etienne grinned, turned back to the window, and called out, "Hello? Is anyone out there?"

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples as the kissing sounds outside abruptly stopped, and I heard Mrs. Davis gasp in surprise.

"Oh, hello!" Mr. Davis called out sheepishly from outside. "Sorry, we didn't expect anyone to notice we were here. Who are you? Where's Boris?"

"Hi, I'm Etienne," Etienne introduced himself politely. "Wait a moment, Boris and I will come downstairs!"

Etienne turned to me with a triumphant expression. "Well? Let's go downstairs to greet your kind, horny neighbours."

I curled my lip up in a snarl. "This is not over, vampire," I warned him.

"Really? It seems to me I won this one, wolf."

Etienne stepped past me with a shit-eating grin and went down the stairs. Cursing under my breath, I hastily followed him. I couldn't leave him alone with two humans for even a second. He was a vampire. A fed vampire, but still a vampire.

"They can't see your red eyes!" I warned him.

In response, Etienne turned off the lights in the hallway so his eyes wouldn't be noticeable in the dim light before opening the door.

Boris and the Vampire (Legends of Pinewood 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن