When You're Sent Away

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It wasn't Nathan and his friends waiting for me at my door. Instead, it was Ivana.

I didn't know whether to be relieved that I didn't have another fight on my hands... or worry that this was even worse.

Ivana did not look happy with me. Her frown was even deeper than it had been the night when she dropped the vampire off, which was an accomplishment in itself.

"You're at my door again so soon after the last time? Hope you're not here to give me another vampire to babysit," I said with a wry smile.

Ivana gave me the hard stare, and I could already tell humour wasn't the way to go tonight; I wouldn't be able to make her crack a smile.

"Boris," she started.

"I know," I quickly interjected. "The lesson didn't exactly go as planned."

"An understatement," Ivana replied crisply. "What the hell were you thinking? Bringing Etienne downstairs to the kids?"

I grinned sheepishly. "It's not so much that I wanted him downstairs, but the pups did."

"Yes, they quite adore him already." Ivana pressed a hand to her forehead. "But you don't let the kids do what they want, Boris. They're children. They can't be raised thinking that vampires are just pretty people with no scent."

I scratched the back of my head. "They're very persistent and unruly children. But, you're right. I should've changed locations or told them no."

Ivana sighed. "What's done is done, but the kids can't see Etienne again. They can't get even more attached to him. You realise I have a lot of angry parents yelling at me for exposing their children to the vampire?"

I grimaced. I was sure they'd yell at me too later when they saw me. It was probably Ivana's doing that the angry parents weren't on my doorstep alongside Nathan and the others already.

"I realise that. I'm sorry," I said.

Pressing her lips to a thin line, Ivana shook her head. "We're going to postpone the kids' lessons for now," she said. "Don't worry, I don't mean permanently. But you'll have to handle the vampire problem first."

I suppressed a sigh. It's not like I didn't see this coming, but it still stung. I'd been advocating for more contact between werewolves and the people of Pinewood for years, and now that it finally seemed like I was going somewhere, we had to postpone things. Again.

"I'm sure you didn't only come here to tell me I need to handle my problems," I said. "What do you suggest?"

Ivana nodded. "Remember I told you I would look for another place for you and Etienne to stay the rest of this month? I've been in contact with the fey. They have a safe, secluded place where you can take the vampire."

I raised a brow. "The fey woods?"

I remembered the fey's region being quite beautiful the one time I was allowed to visit. But despite us sharing Pinewood's woods, and the relationship between werewolves and fey being quite peaceful, they rarely allowed visitors in their region. Let alone someone like Etienne.

"These are special circumstances. Not only for you and Etienne," Ivana said. She hesitated for a moment before going on. "I need to travel to the fey lands myself. There's been an... incident. I have a feeling they only offered to help with our problem because they want to keep an eye on the vampire themselves in these times."

Ivana didn't elaborate about the incident or what it had to do with the fey. I had a feeling she wasn't going to, so I didn't ask for more details.

"Very well. Regardless of their reasons to help, their help is welcome," I said. "I'll warn Etienne we're leaving and pack my bags."

Boris and the Vampire (Legends of Pinewood 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя