Chapter Seven: Toy Making Is Easy, I Don't Know What You're Talking About.

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Why on earth does Playtime Co. have puzzles in the vents? That's a question I can't answer other than they're crazy.

Which is on brand, to be honest.

"Okay, so we gotta get the power from 1 to 2 so connect the Grabpack to 1 and go up the hill thing and swing around so the wire touches the pole," Y/n instructed as her best friend listened for once.

"Now turn the corner and you should be able to reach 2." Tyler did as she said and the power turned on, the vent door opened, and the conveyor belt started moving them forward, the teens stumbling and falling to their knees.

The lights started blaring red as toy parts landed on them, the conveyor belt moving faster as the two resisted the urge to scream.

Long story short, they landed into some glass container with some random toy parts here and there.

Tyler sat up and looked at his friend who was out cold with a bit of blood running down their face.

"Y/n!" He lifted up her limp body. "Damn it! Come on Y/n! Wake up!" He lifted their head up tears filled his eyes.

"We're barely in the book damnit!" He shouted as he took their backpack off and pulled out some Neosporin and put it on the wound before bandaging it up.

He held Y/n close to his chest as he closed his eyes, drifting to sleep.

"Theo!" The six-year-old Y/n shouted with a smile, running toward their newest friend, Theodore Grambell, a seven-year-old boy.

"Hey Y/n... what's up?" He asked in his usual tone.

He was a quiet and reserved boy who didn't have friends other than Y/n and his imaginary one.

"Why do you have a Grabpack? Are you gonna play in the Game Station with Mommy?" She asked tugging on her sunflower patterned overalls.

"No, I have a mission for my friend, there's secrets and I need to find them, please don't tell anyone." He pleaded to Y/n as she nodded with a big smile.

"Can I meet your friend?" They asked as he smiled. "Sure! I'm helping him and I think he'd like you. You're always helping everyone no matter what."

"Alright! Let's go!" She took Theodore's hand as he led the way.

"What are we doing here?" She asked wondering why they're in the empty molding room.

"My friend said we needed a Green Hand instead of a red one." He said pulling the red one out before exchanging it.

"Now what?" Y/n asked tilting their head. "We gotta open a door with the green hand."

"Theo!" Y/n yelled, rushing to the little boy who was electrocuted due to his lack of knowledge of the green hand.

Staff came rushing toward him and took him to the medical center as tears flowed down Y/n's face as Stella Greyber held the child close to comfort them.

"Theodore will be okay." She hummed to the child as Y/n began to calm down. "But you need to come with the doctors to give you a checkup since you were close to him during the accident."

"O-okay." She sniffled as a doctor held out his hand to the child, leading her away from Stella. 

Y/n opened their eyes and looked up and saw Tyler sleeping.

She shook him awake causing him to immediately open his eyes, a look of shock and relief was plastered on his face.

"Y/n! Thank god you're okay! You landed head first into the machine."

"I figured... I had a dream about one of the orphans, Theo."

"Theo? Who's that?"

"He was my best friend before he got sent to the hospital... shortly after that I met you." Y/n sighed sadly. "Hospital?"

"Yeah... I never got word on him so I'm pretty sure he passed."

"What happened?"

"He got electrocuted but the green hand for the Grabpack trying to open a door for his imaginary friend... but I don't think the friend is imaginary."

"How hard did you hit your head? Here, take some medicine." He said pulling out ibuprofen and a water bottle.

"When we find the flower we shouldn't leave immediately, we need to find out what happened and why everyone disappeared."


"Tyler, I know I was against coming here but I need to know what happened to Theo, what happened to Marie and Alex."

"Okay, let's find the flower and figure out this mystery." He smiled.

The two got out of the machine, Y/n stumbling before Tyler caught them and had Y/n sit down on the floor to take a break.

He walked over to the middle of the room, a sign saying that the power was off.

He walked over to the metal stairs and headed up, seeing the power poles that he needed as Y/n opened the cinnamon roll container and ate two while looking at the Make-A-Friend Machine.

Y/n was reminiscing over their old childhood friends, Theo, Alex and Marie.

Alex was Y/n's first friend in Playcare.

He had ebony hair and bright blue eyes, he was always listening and paying attention, every teachers dream.

Marie was a beautiful girl, she had light brown hair that was tied up in a high ponytail with a blue ribbon with beautiful emerald eyes.

She was Y/n's best friend, a energetic girl who would comfort Y/n at anytime.

However she did struggle with nightmares that people thought were caused by some boys picking on her.

Theo was a little boy with light skin, curly brown hair, and brown eyes that always sought adventure with Y/n and his imaginary friend.

But both disappeared.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Tyler asked Y/n, snapping her  out of her trance. "Just... thinking."

"Okay... I got the power on so we can make a toy, shouldn't be too hard." He said.

"How hard can it be?" Y/n said while pulling the levers that spilled out toy parts that went into the machine.

After a couple of minutes a Cat-Bee came out, looking sad but Y/n didn't mind as she picked it up and held it close while smiling.

"We gotta put it on that thing." Tyler pointed at a little drawing of Huggy saying "No one leaves without a toy!"

Y/n skipped over to it and put the toy on the scanner before it magical disappeared causing a disappointed Y/n.

The gate opened and the two walked into the darkness.

Huggy appeared from the shadows, mouth agape, drool and his multiple sets of razor sharp teeth was showing.


Poppy Playtime x Reader (rewritten version) Where stories live. Discover now