Chapter Nine: Poppy Playtime Herself

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Y/n and Tyler woke up in Poppy's room, the doll, and girl nowhere to be seen in the red-lit room with the music box still playing.

"Ugh... where's Charlie?" Tyler asked as he raised his head, Y/n already getting up but being a bit wobbly. "I'm more worried about Poppy..." they mumbled.

Y/n reached out her hand to Tyler which he gladly accepted so he could get up with ease.

"Come on." Y/n dragged the sleepy boy toward a mysterious door, a cabinet knocked over in front of it with the original entrance being blocked off by random objects.

Y/n nudged the door open and they were back in the factory, a red door across the hallway wide open with an interesting interior.

Y/n held Tyler's hand as they walked down the hall, a painting of Bron The Dinosaur was on the right wall, and Huggy on the left.

Y/n went into the room with her best friend, the vent with colorful handprints wide open, Y/n heard someone saying "Almost there" and "This way".

Y/n held onto Tyler's hand as they stepped into the large vent, then slowly got to the end where they could hear Charlie and presumably Poppy speaking.

"Charlie?" Y/n asked as she jumped down, a fully awake Tyler doing the same as they landed on yellow plastic bins and cardboard boxes.

Charlie was holding a damaged grabpack fixing it as Poppy stood near a power supply that needed to touch the electricity poles.

"You guys are finally awake," she remarked as Poppy smiled at the two teens. "We're trying to get the power back on! I found the power supply but I can't get it on without you guys. It's the least I can do after you guys saved me! I was stuck in there for so long! I wanted to pay you back!" she beamed, the porcelain doll moving out of the way so Tyler could do his thing.

"I'm Y/n and this is Tyler, he's been pretty quiet for some reason." Y/n spoke as they watched Tyler bring the power back on.

"Well... we found the flower... now what?" Y/n asked as Tyler strolled over to his friend and shrugged. "We leave? I thought it was obvious," he remarked as Y/n glared at him for a moment.

"It's not gonna be that easy," Charlie spoke up as Poppy nodded. "It won't but there's a train station that goes outside, it needs a password, and I have it," she said crawling into a mini vent that was not accessible to anyone but her.

"If you just, get on up here!" she huffed as she was back toward the entrance of the vent leading them back to the office.

They walked on back as Poppy was humming a sweet melody, Charlie putting on the once broken grabpack and swinging up there like Spider-man,
Y/n wrapped their arms around Tyler so they both could leave.

"Spider-Man? That you?" Y/n joked as they walked through the vents, making Tyler chuckle. "Calm down love birds," Charlie smirked as they reached the office, Poppy already waiting.

"I see you!" she giggled. "It's this way!" Poppy waddled away into the vent as the group walked out of the office, Charlie using her newly fixed Grabpack to open the gate.

They strolled toward the hall but there was only one problem.

There was a giant hole in the middle of the floor, at least ten feet long and six feet wide, or however long the hallway was.

On the ceiling, there was a metal bar on which Charlie used to swing to the other side with her Grabpack, Tyler and Y/n looking nervous.

"Just hold on and don't look down," Charlie reassured them as Tyler nodded, signaling Y/n to hold onto him.

"Close your eyes," he said as Y/n nodded who was on his back, uncomfortable since they were on the Grabpack.

Tyler fired Grabpack at the metal bar, the red hand sticking to it.

Tyler started running and swung like everyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Tyler stuck the landing as Y/n was holding onto dear life, whimpering in fear.

"You're fine now, we're on the other side," Tyler spoke, Y/n slowly opening their eyes and then getting off of Tyler.

"I'm never doing that again." Charlie chuckled at what Y/n said as they walked toward a door, Charlie opened it and saw Poppy in front of a large hole.

They walked toward the doll and she turned around.

"Listen, you're going to need to trust me."

She got pulled into the hole while screaming, a mysterious pink hand dragging her down into the abyss.

"Poppy!" Y/n darted and jumped into the hole, Tyler running after them and jumping too.

"Me too!" Charlie jumped as well while smiling.


Poppy Playtime x Reader (rewritten version) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt