The date

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Normal pov

To be honest, Sakura didn't know how to react or to feel when Zuko had out of nowhere asked her out on a date, she only stared at him for like 5 seconds, before her face became red from shock and embarrassment. She wasn't the only one, Zuko had the same expression as her, well except for the shock part, and Sakura stuttered when she tried to speak.

"A-a da-date?"

"U-umm, yeah, a d-date..."

"... I... I d-don't know, i-is it ok with you?"

"If it wasn't okay I wouldn't have asked you out."

"... Right... so why asking me on a date?"

"... Well..."


"Uncle don't look, but I think that girl knows we're fire nation."

Iroh had looked at who Zuko was talking about, and yeah it was a girl, she was sitting close at there table. But he couldn't examine how she looks like as his nephew grabbed him by the shoulder and directed his attention away from her, hissing.

"Did I tell you not to look?!"

"Oh yes, I had seen this girl a few times coming here here. I'd say she has a little crush on you~"


Just then the girl was behind them, and spoke up by thanking them for the tea, almost making them jump in surprise. Zuko awkwardly took the money for the girl and put it away, hoping the girl can leave them be. The girl had other plans though, she said nothing at first, as if she was debating, but then she spoke up, making Zuko turn around.

"So what's your name?

"... My name is Lee, me and my uncle just moved here."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lin. So Lee, I was wondering if we could hang out some time?"

"He would love too!"

"A-actually, I already have a date."

Zuko wanted to slap himself as he had blurted out about already having a date, so much wishing the floor can just swallow him up. Iroh had looked surprised while the girl looked disappointed and sad. Before Zuko could say something else, Jet walked in and spoke up.

"Did I hear someone say a date?"

"Yes Jet, this girl had tried to ask my nephew out, but apparently someone beat her to it."

"Oh? Is that so? Poor girl."

"So tell me dear nephew, who is the lucky girl?"

"I-it's Sakura."

Jet and Iroh blinked at him while the girl frowned, and the way the girl looked made Zuko feel bad about rejecting her. But then when he looked at Jet, an idea pop in his head, and he grabbed the girl by the shoulder and spoke.

"Why don't you try going on a date with this guy? You will enjoy his company, believe me he is fun to have around!"

"... What the hell Lee?"

"... Well... I guess I can give him a shot."

"H-hey wait, I didn't agree-"

"Excellent idea dear nephew! It will help Jet relax a bit! He has been working hard, he deserves a break!"

No matter how much Jet tried to protest, they keep cutting him off by explaining how "nice" of a guy he is, and Lin had lit up. He eventually gave up and kept quiet as he reluctantly agreed to go out on a date with Lin. Before she could say her goodbyes after telling Jet to meet her outside tonight, Jet spoke up.

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