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Dear Reader,

I hope you find yourself well,
This is a poetry book I've been working on for months/years. I hope you enjoy each one or find the one you enjoy the most.

I'm sorry if you find yourself relating to any of my poems, if you do, I hope you heal from what hurt you.

I also hope you never have to beg someone to love you the way you deserve.
I truly hope you find peace.

This is a poetry book about Heartbreak, Love, Healing, Trauma, Sadness, Anxiety, and Stress.

If you ever feel the need to talk to someone, my pm's are always open🫶🏼
I'll also have my instagram on my bio.

Please take your time reading through each poem.

Some are short,
Some are long,
But overall
I hope you find
Yourself in one of them.
If not, I hope you continue reading anyways..🫶🏼

-Much Love,
BG 💗

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