Author's Note (AN IMPORTANT ONE!!)

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Greetings fellow mortals! This author's note is quite important cuz I'm gonna tell you what's gonna become of this story as we go forward. This isn't about spoilers or anything. Just want y'all to have an idea of what my goal with this story is. 

First of all I wanted to talk about the length of the story. I've made a rough estimate considering what all things I'm gonna be doing in the upcoming arcs--both plot-wise and individual character arcs--so based on that I'm aiming at anything between 50-55 chapters in total. That's it. I wanna tell a finite story. I wanna tell a story that ends without overstaying it's welcome. I have the ending figured out. I have the themes and the message of the story figured out. It's all about putting it down on the page. 

That brings me to the schedule. The posting is gonna have a slight modification. Since the story is only gonna have more or less 55 chapters, I've set myself a rough deadline. That's two and a half months. In the next two and a half months, I wanna bring this thing to an end. So I'll be posting thrice a week. I'll try to stick to that plan best as I can. It can even be four times a week. My aim is to finish the story more than sticking to a set number of updates. So on the weeks I'll be super pumped you can expect a bonus chapter or two. 

I'm telling y'all about this stuff cuz I want your support. I wanna let you know that I'm not just gonna abandon this story half-way through. I'm committed to finishing this one. And I'm gonna see it to the end. So all I ask of you folks to stay tuned and keep reading and if you like what you read, let others who might like this sorta story know about it. Recommend it to your friends on social media and all. I'm not saying you have to do this. But it would certainly help a lot and I'll appreciate everything you'll do. Even if it is something as small as hitting a star on a chapter or just opening this book and giving it a read. You don't know how much all of that means to me. 

Now that all the work stuff is out of the way. Here's a little playlist to vibe to.

1. Gimme Shelter by Rolling Stones

2. Animal Instinct by Cranberries

3. Time by Pink Floyd

4. Time in a bottle by Jim Croce

5. Knockin' on Heaven's door by Bob Dylan

6. Blackhole Sun by Soundgarden

P.S: I know this arc feels short. Cuz it is! It's just six chapters. But it was meant to be this way. I don't wanna unnecessarily drag this story along. And I want it to be as enjoyable as possible. That's all that matters to me--for you to have fun without me getting too self-indulgent with it. Thanks for reading! Peace out. 


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