28. The Snake Pit

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While the Harrises were sailing away towards their destination, Luce was discharged from the hospital. A girl in her teens showed up at his room. He didn't recognize her.

"I'm the one who took off my helmet and tried putting it on you back in Sector 22." She said. "When that special grade truck got stolen. Remember?"

Luce nodded. "Yeah, when we lost. I remember."

The girl nodded grimly. "I didn't know that Vigilant Agents were already immunized against the virus." She said. "I didn't know you wouldn't need my help."

"It's okay." He put on his jacket and ran his hands through silver blonde hair. "Just be happy that you are not an agent and you still got vaccinated."

The girl looked at him gravely. "Thank you, sir. I'm really grate–"

"Don't be." Luce shook his head. "Every Vigilant Agent has access to two separate doses of vaccines. And I got demoted. So I didn't have any better use for them either." He grabbed his duffel bag and next he grabbed his cane. Yeah, they had given him a cane now. The leg injury from Sector 22 was going to last him another couple of months at least. "So, what was the purpose of your visit today?" He asked the girl.

"I came to pick you up." She said. "And also to thank you since you are the reason I'm still alive."

He slung his duffel over his shoulder and leant down on his cane. "I was just gonna take a taxi."

"Well, this will save your fare." The girl smiled.

Luce nodded. "Let's get going then."

Luce was struck by the clear white sunlight as they stepped out. The air was clean, the businesses were still running and the streets were bustling with people. This is what an Unsectorized Ardvenian city looked like.

The girl held the door of a shiny teal sedan for him. "That's your car?" He asked.

She chuckled. "I rented it especially for today." She said. "I can take you wherever you wanna go."

Luce frowned at the door she held open. And then he said, "Then lets go to a restaurant. I'm hungry for some real food."


Luce ordered eggs, bacon, waffles and a fruit salad and drank his way through two cups of coffee during his meal. The girl just had a sandwich with orange juice.

"May I ask you something if you don't mind?" She said as Luce waited for his third cup of coffee.

"As long as it isn't something personal or corny. Go on." He shrugged.

"You don't see yourself as good guy, do you sir?" She said.

He paused, his steel gray eyes scrutinized her intensely. The girl didn't even flinch. "That's your question?"

She nodded.

Good lord, he thought, she is actually serious. He let out a sigh. "I don't believe in good or bad." He said. "There are people that the government tells me to stop. So I go in and stop them. No questions asked. The government likes it especially when I don't ask any questions."

"So, you didn't even care that Lisa Neville was pregnant and the girl with her was just a...a child?" She asked.

"Are you still the operative from Sector 22? I think you resigned and became a reporter. Because you are really starting to annoy me." He said.

The girl sighed and looked at the wall-to-wall window on the left. A mother walked past the restaurant, pushing a stroller. "I don't understand you." She said.

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