1 Yuma

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Ben took a shower, then dressed. He knew his mission. His father had introduced him to the rulers of Viltrum a two years prior, and they expressed high hopes for Ben. His mission would be carried out in due time, but he needed to be sure all was ready.

He looked himself in the mirror and cleaned himself up.

He looked himself in the mirror and cleaned himself up

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(Ben's appearance)

Dressing in his uniform for school, Ben floated to the door, then left his apartment as he walked to his school. While he would have flown there, he didn't wish to arose attention from the factions. So far his face was devoid of all emotion.

Arriving at the school, he walked in. He had to physically force himself not the show his disgust at the pathetic weakness of those....devils. maybe he'd take one as a pet later. Ben wasn't surprised at the attention he was getting, especially from female students.

Sona Stiri met him and showed Ben around the school, but to the Devil heiress, something was off about this Ben, as if nothing he saw impressed him. This only wanted the female devil to learn more about this Ben.
On thing, his posture was too straight for other's his age it was of soldi---wait, him? that couldn't be.

Ben of course was polite, but it was clearly scripted responses. She'd have to look into Ben later. Something about him smelled. Banishing these thoughts, Sona led Ben to his class, which he thanked Sona, and proceeded inside.


Ben became the talk of the school, and listening was a Red haired young woman who took an interest in him, sending Kiba, Rias' knight went to speak with Ben, only to be declined straight away with Ben telling Kiba he had no wish to speak to Rias.

This of course Shocked the Heiress as this was the first time a man turned down her invitation. "Ben Hyoudou. Just who or what are you?"


Ben as he was heading home at the end of the day was approached by a girl who introduced herself as Yuma. Ben initially turned her down, but after some insistence by her. He agreed to meet her downtown the next day.


Ben took her to a fancy French restaurant. Yuma was impressed already. After a few more stops, they went back to Ben's condo he bought himself. It was a midrange suite, and this impressed Yuma. "Impressive. Own or rent?"

"I bought this cash outright," said Ben.

They entered, and Yuma noticed it was minimal and spartan. She then asked Ben, "can I ask you a favor?"

Ben grunted.

"Can you die for ---Ughh!!!!" Yuma was about to say but was pinned to the wall by the neck.

"No," said Ben. His face was still devoid of emotion as he said, "tell me what you are, or I separate your head from your neck."

"I'm not-------ARRRGHHH!!!!!" Yuma screamed as both her femurs were snapped in two.

"Answer me, or you neck is next," said Ben. Yuma revealed her truth form as she said her true name and what she was. "Better," said Ben as he dropped the fallen angel.

"W-What are you?" Asked Raynare.

"I'll only tell you if you'd join me, not that I'm asking. I have a few questions about this planet," said Ben, "and I can fix your legs I just shattered. If you refuse to join me, well, I won't stop with just your legs."

"I-I-I'll join you," said Raynare.

"Good girl," said Ben as I returned with a box that had a peculiar logo on it:

"Good girl," said Ben as I returned with a box that had a peculiar logo on it:

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(Symbol of the Viltrum Empire)

"What's that?" Asked Raynare.

"Medicine to heal your legs," said Ben as he opened the box and produced a hypospray before injecting Raynare's legs. Within moments, the legs had healed. "As for what I am," said Ben, "Ever hear of the Viltrum Empire?"

End Chapter

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