8 Valper and the demise of Kokabeal

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Ben awoke from his sleep by buzz on his phone saying there was a stray devil. He was going to miss breakfast again. Getting out of his bed, Ben dressed in his Viltrumite Uniform and floated out the door before flying towards the wearhouse. Of course that devil stood no chance.


There was a knock at the door as Asia answered it revealing an elderly man in Church robes. "F-Father Galilei I did---ummmgffffff!?" Asia tried to say, but was cut off when Valper held a cloth impregnated with chloroform to Aisa's mouth as she lost Consciousness.


Ben arrived home after dealing with Viser and the rest of the stray devils, but entering, he found a note on the table. Reading it, he saw it was from this fallen angel named Kokabeal saying if he wanted to see Aisa Alive, he'd come alone to the Kuoh academy grounds. The window of his place exploded out as he flew towards Kuoh academy.

Reaching the location, Ben saw the creepy middle aged looking fallen angel who looked in serious need of a facelift holding a struggling Aisa, and this old man by his side. On the ground were Raynare and Mittelt both of Death's door. Ben himself was floating a meter off the ground within twenty meters of this Fallen angel. The fallen angel looked ecstatic upon seeing him as he monologued about how he was better than him, and how the twilight healing was finally his. Ben moved forward, but Kokabeal warned him that one move, and he'd end his whore's life.

Then Asia screamed as Kokabeal extracted her sacred gear, then tossing her dying body onto the ground as Kokabeal then killed Valper, then laughed at Ben saying how easily he fooled him. On the ground, Raynare and Mittelt Drew' their last breaths.

"Nothing to say?" Asked Kokabeal.

Ben closed his eyes and let out a long sigh before looking Kokabeal in the eye and saying to him, "I'm going to feed you your own heart."

Kokabeal was taken aback for a moment before laughing and saying, "You, as if y----"

Kokabeal felt as if a semi had hit him at 200 KM/H as he shot through one end of the school building before crashing through the other side and snapping in two over a dozen trees. All of his wings were broken by that as a stunned look of shock swept over his face, this was soon replaced with a smug expression as he got up---only to see Ben having appeared before him.

Kokabeal hurled light spears at ben---which upon seeing they having no effect, doubled his efforts as his smug expression was replaced by one of consternation, then panic, and finally terror as Ben then got within an arm's reach before punching a hole clean through Kokabeal, before doing to the fallen angel exactly what he said he would do-----before obliterating Kokabeal with a single punch.

Kokabeal was no more.

To be continued....

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