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Chapter two

"The king of west valley high."

And since then all Shawn had been doing is waking up in the mornings, going on a run, getting a few hoops in on the basketball court outside and then he'd shower and head to the dealership where he would be working on Pontiac firebird, which had him missing family breakfast, but he didn't really care, cause he knew the day that mattered to his parents for all their kids to be there was coming up, as the country club they belonged always threw an annual end of summer party.

Although the only person who wasn't there was Sam, seeing as she chose to skip out and throw a party with all of his friends and his girlfriend rather then be a part of the family, which their parents didn't know about and for right now he was gonna keep it a secret until he needed too, knowing fully well if he didn't tell him he knew Sam would indefinitely throw him under the bus for it.

But right now, Shawn was showing off his basketball skills and winning multiple kids prizes, seeing as they were either too short or didn't have the best throwing arm to win, where one of the kid's mothers had asked him to play for him having seen him play before and he had said yes, although one yes happened to turn into almost the entire party who wanted to play basketball asking him to play for them and win them a prize.

Where thankfully, the line had ceased for now, as Shawn came walking back to where his family was he saw his parents at the bar and his younger brother sitting at the table he had left him at, still playing his game, in which their dad went to walk over to him, as Shawn held his hand up "I got it." he mouthed to him, as his dad nodded, Shawn walked over to his younger brother and sat down in the chair across from him "you know, there's a cool diving board we can jump off of. Or a clown making balloons, who can probable make you a sword from that video game you like to play. And if that doesn't rock your socks off maybe you'd like magician who if you don't answer me is gonna take your tablet and make is disappear." he shared.

"I'm only level ten." Anthony told him, as Shawn huffed "well not the response I was looking for but it's a response." he told himself, looking to his parents then back to his brother "look, mom and dad really want you to get off that thing, okay? And so do I. I mean trying to get you away from playing video games is like fighting a great white, I mean come on dude! Give me something here! Come play hoops with me, I'll win you a prize like I did every other kid at this party." he shared "I'm thirsty." Anthony told him, as Shawn chuckled "okay then." he told him, as he stood up "let's put the tablet down and go grab some cola's." he told him.

"Nah, I'm good." Anthony told him, and when he did, Shawn looked down at him with wide eyes, as he scoffed "well I'm getting one." he mumbled under his breath as he walked off toward's his parents, he held his arms out "I tried everything, he won't budge." he shared, as his dad raised his brows "how about you try buttoning your shirt?" he asked him, as his mom nudged him "oh, stop, he's at least having fun." she told him "well at least somebody does, cause I would've killed to visit a club like this when I was his age. You know where I had to hangout in the summer?" his dad asked, as Shawn closed his eyes "oh god, please not the story about the hydrant by your aunt Tessie's." he said.

As his dad looked at him with wide eyes "I haven't told that story that many times." he told them "yes you have. So, let's say we let Anthony play with his thing and you and I get a couple drinks?" his mom asked, as his dad sighed "dirty martinis?" he asked "yes." his mom told him, as she turned to the bartender "ice cold." she told him "ooh! And can I get a margarita.." Shawn was saying as his mom turned smacking him on the arm, making Shawn laugh "I'm kidding! Two cola's please." he told the bartender.

Lonely heart, Tory Nichols Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora