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Chapter seven

"A LaRusso and a Lawerence." 

Having gone to school, Shawn then right as the bell rang headed out and headed to the dealership where he walked in and as he did Travis was there as the two dabbed each other up, Jackson put on his bandana and got right to work, as he had put new tires on a car, fixed something underneath one of them, and fixed one of the engines and replaced a battery, and when the end of work hit, Shawn headed out and back home.

And as he did, he changed into workout clothes as he then headed downstairs, his dad was waiting there for him, as the two then headed out the back door, Shawn's mom watched them with raised brows, as the two headed made it to the dojo, Robby walked up to them as all three of them walked in, Shawn was then standing in front of Robby as his dad stood to the side "show me wash the windows." Shawn's dad said, as Robby did it, Shawn threw a punch at him as he blocked it "show me wax on, wax off." Shawn's dad then told him "hai!" Shawn voiced as he threw a punch Robby blocked it "hai!" Shawn voiced, throwing another one as Robby blocked it as well.

"Aits!" Shawn voiced as he brought his arms down, he then began throwing punches faster as Robby began blocking them, Shawn then threw a kick in as Robby blocked it, Shawn then kicked at him again as Robby blocked it as well followed by another he also blocked it, as Shawn then threw a punch, Robby ducked underneath it, as Shawn turned to him he began throwing punches again as Robby began blocking them, as the two then stopped, staring at each other, Shawn smirked along with his dad "whoa." Robby said "yeah." Shawn told him, as he bowed to him, Robby bowed back as Shawn's dad nodded.

The next day, Shawn was walking in the hallway with his sister, as Sam laughed "dude, you are so lame!" she voiced "no, I'm not. Sam, me and dad have been on the outs with each other since like sixth grade where my life started to become a little to complicated for him, between basketball, my popularity, the amount of girls that wanted to date me, he couldn't keep up and somewhere along the way he seemed to no longer even know who I was. And we screamed at each other and me and him go down then him and mom go down and that's not good for any of us, and he thought that getting back into karate would solve some of those issues and it has." he shared.

Stopping int he hallway and turning to face her, as Sam stopped turning to him "you just don't get it because your daddy's little girl who can do no wrong and that's okay. Your not his mini me, I am which means I have to work a little harder to be my own person and for a long time I thought I knew who that was but in the end I was just being an asshole and now I have no idea who I am, so if me trying to figure that out is lame to you then fine." Shawn shared, as he began backing away from her down the hallway, where he didn't notice Miguel watching them as he waited for Sam, as Shawn turned away from her and walked off.

Where after school, Shawn had headed to the dealership and when he went to head into the garage Travis looked to him "hey, boss man wants you!" he voiced, and when he did, Shawn huffed "your kidding?" he asked, as Travis chuckled "I wish, but he's your dad I don't know why he just didn't text you." he told him "cause he knows when I'm in here, you tell me what to do." Shawn shared, as he began backing out, he chuckled "true!" Travis voiced, as Shawn turned around, walking toward's the main building and as he walked inside, he walked toward's the back where bonsai tree's were and as he did, he found Robby already in there.

"Ah! He's got your trimming the bonsais." he realized, chuckling, as he stood next to him, grabbing the clippers and beginning to cut one himself "I'm sorry, I suck at this. I don't know what Im doing. I just..I don't get it." Robby shared, as Shawn chuckled "believe me, when your a kid in elementary school who just want's to play basketball and learn how to punch and kick, trimming tree's doesn't make sense either until you blink and one day your a sixteen year old getting the crap beat out of you by some kid you used beat the crap out of and that's when everything Mr Miyagi and your dad taught you all those years ago starts to set back in." he shared, as he trimmed the bonsai.

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