Chapter One

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"Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!" said a 22-year-old Alice walking out of the door to a U-Haul filled to the brim with all her stuff. Her father however ran to the side of the driver door and said, "Are you sure you want to move so far, honey? That's five whole states away."

I paused. I just now thought about how it actually was pretty far away. Farther than I've ever been from my family. The thought of it saddened me a bit. But I shook the feeling and threw it out of the window. So I responded to my dad, "I'll be fine, I'll call you when I get there, and show you around, virtually. You know, like video-chat?" He wasn't usually good with this stuff, so somewhere inside of me, I expected a silly response from him after I said that, but surprisingly, he seemed to know what I was talking about.

"Oh, ok! Just drive safe and make sure to call me. I love you."
Well, I trusted he knew his way around face-to-face calling so I decided to leave him be with it. So, I finally figured it was time to head out. I hopped out one last time to stand on Iowa grounds and hug my parents. I looked back towards my old home. I'll miss it, but I'll get over it, too.

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