
639 15 2

(17 years old)


It was another long Saturday afternoon. Will and Jay were both at work, and I was stuck at home bored out of my mind. I had watched a movie or two already and read the whole first Maze Runner book. I was now on my phone watching Tik Tok, but not for long. I watched it for about twenty minutes and saw the time. It was almost four in the afternoon. Great! Will won't be home for another five hours, and Jay six hours.

     I got up for a minute until I heard pounding on the door. My heart immediately started to pound, until I heard my best friend on the other side of the door. Rory. What was she doing here?

     "Briiiii, please open the door." Her voice shook.

     "Coming." I yelled and ran to the door.

     I opened the door and saw my best friend with a tear stained face. My eyes got wide, and I let her come in. I hung her coat up for her and walked her over to the couch. I sat her down and she burst into tears again. I put her in my arms and held her there for a few minutes until her sobs turned into hiccups.

     "What's wrong Roach?" I asked her softly using the nickname I had for her trying to cheer her up.

     "I think I'm pregnant." She told me scared and shaking.

     "What!?" I asked her half confused and half shocked with my eyes wide and eyebrows raised.

     "I don't know." She told me and hiccuped.

     "Ok, how late are you? What makes you think that you're pregnant?" I asked trying to come up with an answer for us both.

     "One week, I have been really sick the past few days, and I can't eat or be around certain foods or I throw up." She told me quietly.

     "Ok, and who...?" I asked hoping she would interrupt me.

    "Tyler." She blurted out. "It was about two weeks ago. We were hanging out, and it just happened." Rory explained.

     "Ok, Rory, we are going to do something, ok? Wait here." I instructed and ran off to my room.

     I went to my room and rummaged through all of my drawers and closet. I went through my shelves and cleared through everything. Where is i-. AHA! I yelled in my head. I found it. The emergency pregnancy test. I always had it in case I thought I was pregnant, or ya know, for emergencies like this. I went back to the couch and held up the box in front of Rory. She nodded and we headed to the bathroom.

     I took the pregnancy test out of the box and gave it to Rory. She gulped and held it in her hands examining it. She was terrified. She didn't want to know, but still did, she just was scared for what would happen. I don't blame her though. I can't ever imagine telling Will or Jay I was pregnant, they wouldn't even kill me, they'd kill the boy.

     I let Rory have her privacy as I stepped out of the bathroom. I waited anxiously at the door. I waited for about three minutes until I heard the toilet flush. I was about to knock, when almost on point, Rory opened the door herself. She had a sorrow frown and let me in. We waited for about five minutes until it was time to take a look at the test.

     I breathed in and helped Rory breathe. Slowly I flipped over the test and saw the answer to our problem. My face dropped slightly and I showed Rory the test. She immediately fell to the floor with her hand shaking on her heart. Her breathing quickened and she was sobbing again, but so hard she was barely breathing. She was having a panic attack, because the pregnancy test has clearly shown 'PREGNANT.' I got down and comforted my best friend. I felt so bad for her right now. I have no idea what she is going through at the moment, but it can't be good. Rory stood up after a few minutes and looked at me with her eyes a really puffy red colour.

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