Thirty (5k read)

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Where am I?


Y/N where is she?!

I tried moving but couldn't. Shit, I'm chained. My eyes are open... I know they're open, but it's dark. I can only hear Electricity and what sounds like water splashing in the background. We must be near the ocean or a river.

"Glad to see you're awake Jungkook. Do you remember me?" A man spoke from the right side of the room. "I don't..." the cover was removed from my face. My eyes began to adjust to the bright lights around. A man stood in front of me with a mask covering his face, "Can't reveal myself just yet in case you escape and send your dogs after me." Looking around there was a chair in front of me, a bat, and other things used for torture.

"So let me get this over with." He grabbed the chair sitting on it. "I was hired to kill Y/n and frame you for her death... hired by the same man that raised her. Dude hates his daughter and wants to bring down everyone that's associated with her including you and your father's clan."

"So her father is behind this. What the fuck is wrong with that man? Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "He has some sort of hatred towards that girl. Personally, I don't ask questions just as long as I get paid I do my job."

"Have you killed y/n?" Please tell me he hasn't. "I haven't yet... her father hasn't paid me and I need the money first before I kill her and then you. Although he wanted me to keep you alive I rather kill you both. It will be much easier that way."

"I still don't understand why your telling me all this." None of this was making sense... most criminals keep their mouth shut but this guy just keeps talking and giving away his plan. "I was thinking before I decide to kill you., why don't we team up? I'm sure you hate that man more then me and you probably hate y/n. Why don't we kill them both and everyone in the Beaugendre clan. The Renaudin clan would stand over all the others."

"I've thought about it before... I'm not going through with it." I've had the chance to kill her I almost did but I wasn't able to.

"Such a shame," he stood from his chair, "You and I could have been partners." He walked over to me placing his hands on my shoulder. "It really is a shame," he leaned closer to me. "I know you were the one that broke into her house that day to steal the blueprints to find that bastard of the Affré."

How did he? "That wasn't me."

"Sure it wasn't. You shot her and you had the chance to kill her but you didn't. The Jungkook I know would have killed her instantly with no hesitation..." he stood in front of me, "Why didn't you do it?"

Yes I could've killed her but...

I stayed silent.

"Not going to speak... take him away and put him in the freezer."

A group of masked men walked up to me and untied me from the chair. I started fighting back but it was no use, they overpowered me. I was thrown into a freezer. The sight before me was something you normally see in movies. Dead corpses hanging from the meat hooks in plastic bags like they were some sort of meat. The stench of blood was unbearable. "We'll come get you two soon, so be patient and try not to die yet." The door shut behind me, locking me in here.

The two of us...?

Who else is in here? Is Y/n in here?! I have to find her.

(Hey everyone thinks for 5k the book is about to reach 6k so thank you all so much. Didn't think you guys would get it this far so thank you so much. This is a much shorter capter but ill post a longer on for the next. Thank you all for reading and your support💜💜)

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