We're trapped

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After they charged at the monster
The monster tried to run as fast as it can
But Sora ran towards him and used his weapon to slice it and it went in half and fell apart and Sora looked at them
"I didn't know you were this badass." Jessie said with a smile on her face.
Sora looks at the group and says nothing and continues walking
"Ok then well let's find more monsters to attack then." Leo said and then
More monsters appear after he said that
Jessie jumped in the air and punched a monster with all of her might and it fell down Jessie got on it and started to punch it more
Leo who pressed the bottom of his surfboard threw it in the air and it turned into a huge gun that has multiple fires
And Leo starts shooting at the monster and then the monster knocks the gun out of his hands and it turns back into a surfboard and hits against a tree it wasn't broken
But Leo was shocked and backed from the monster
The monster roared at him.
"Well then let's do this." Leo said as he
Starts to form water in his hands
And then he started attacking
The monster with a water wheel  and it's an extremely sharp water wheel that it gave the monster deep cuts. It roared loudly as Leo ran towards him with a bigger water wheel and did a front flip and decapitated the monster.the monster was no more
Aiu looks at Leo amazed.
Leo then walks to the surfboard which has been and he picks it up and put it in his back "We got more monsters to slay there's ten of them." Screamed Jessie
Aiu looked at Leo and nodded and ran towards the monsters.
Aiu used her staff and two huge blades from each side of the cats face came out
And aiu screamed like a warrior and sliced on of the monsters in half.
Aiu looks for another monster and it wasn't hard she ran towards that same monster she was targeting and sliced it again.
Asuka grabs her katana and ran towards a monster who's coming towards her and she strikes the monster down but it didn't give up yet so she gave it 7 strikes against it and then cutting off its head
Asuka looked at it
"Your rein of terror is over." Said asuka she thought it was the leader
"That's not a leader." Said Jessie.
"Oh." Asuka said after knowing the information.
"The leaders appearance is unknown they're either the biggest monster in the world or they're a monster that can take a humans identity and blend in,but who knows we'll find out someday." Said Jessie
Asuka nodded as aiu walked to asuka and Jessie to point a huge monster with tentacles.
"This isn't going to be easy." Jessie said.
"What do you mean by that?" Asked Asuka.
"Well if a monster has tentacles it wouldn't be easy because of how different they'll be with those things." Said Leo
Jessie punched her metal fists together
Leo turns his surfboard into a harbinger.
Preston uses a huge gun.
Sora whipped his axe out
Then the group charged towards the monster
And the monster proceeds to use it's tentacles to form a huge circle around them and then it created a huge hole and the group fell in and one by one they fell on top of each other
Then there was no light.
The monster has completely sealed the hole the group fell through so there was no edivince that no one fell.
"Ow it hurts." Said Jessie
"You're the one who fell on me first." Shouted aiu.
"Wasn't my fault!" Jessie said as she gets up
"Guys where are we?" Asuka said as she can't see anything at all
"Here let me help." Said Leo as he grabs his surfboard and pressed a button and it started glowing "one of the buttons of my surfboard can make it glow." Said Leo
"Let me process of what happened we encountered a monster that put us underground,Leo's surfboard is the only light source and we need to figure out of how we're going to escape this place." Jessie said
"Hailey do you have a flashlight?" Leo asked
"Yes why?" Hailey said as she grabs her flashlight.
"My surfboard is about to go dark the glow has a 30 second limit." Leo said as the surfboard went dark.
Hailey sighs and turned on her flashlight.
"Where are we?" Asked Emily
They're in a cave with jagged rocks on the bottom and in the top
"Well we have to avoid the rocks and hope they don't fall on us." Hailey said.
"Let's try to look for an exit." Said Preston
Everyone started walking.
"This place is extremely lar-"
Preston was interrupted by Sora "yeah we know this place is huge and we fell in here because of this monster with tentacles and Leo's surfboards ability to glow has a 30 second limit we know!" Sora said annoyed.
"Can you guys not start fighting." I don't want to have to deal with you two." Leo said annoyed as well.
"THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!!" Shouted Sora and Preston
"You think that you could take out your anger on others?it looks like you don't act like your age do you!" Preston said angrily.
"You with your childish hair colours makes you a hypocrite." Sora responded.
"You think you could act all edgy and cool with that cloak youre wearing but it makes you look stupid and immature!" Shouted Preston
"Please guys stop fighting!!" Aiu cried.
"Ironic,everything about you is childish." Said Sora
"SHUT UP!!" Preston shouted as he punched Sora in the nose and then they started wrestling
Leo walks away looking for sticks
"Shut up and listen!!!!" Shouted asuka
Sora and Preston didn't stop
So asuka threw a rock at them and then they looked at asuka.
"The hell is the point of fighting over how huge this place is you two need to get along right now." Said asuka.
Preston and Sora looked at each other and started growling at each other
"Leo where have you been?" Asked Asuka.
"I tried looking for sticks but no luck." Said Leo
"For what?" Asked Asuka
Leo then remembers that aiu is afraid of fire and looks at asuka and said "never mind I never knew why I was searching for sticks." Said Leo
"You forgot aiu was afraid of fire didn't you." Said Jessie
Leo looks down in shame"yeah I did forget." Said Leo as he walks to a big rock and sat on it and covers his face with his hands in embarrassment
"Hey it's ok Kanemaru we all make mistakes." Said asuka
"No it's not I really forgot about aiu being afraid of fire." Said Leo
"I forgive you Leo." Said aiu
"Really?" Asked Leo
Aiu nodded "even if you forgot asuka is right we all make mistakes." Aiu then walks to Leo just to pat him on the back.
"We have to go now we need to get out of here." Said Sora
The group nodded then started walking
It's been an hour and they're still walking
"It's been an hour how long much longer are we gonna walk?" Said Jessie.
"We don't know how much longer but we need to get out quickly because my flashlight is already flickering." Said Hailey
Then suddenly they hear rumbling
A huge circle of light appeared and it turned into a hole
"Huh?" Leo said as he looked up.
"Hey,thought you need some help." Said Artemis." How did you find us?" Asked Asuka.
"the school tracked you with your new suits and you encountered a monster that can make huge holes,here." Said Artemis as he throws a big rope and it's connected too.
Aiu was the first to grab it and she was lifted
And so did everyone else while leo grabbed his surfboard and started floating up.
Everyone was relieved that no one is underground
"Everyone ok?" Asked Asuka
Everyone nodded
"Ok let's go." Asuka said
Artemis stops them.
"I'm coming with you guys." Said Artemis
Everyone else stared at him in confusion.
" I have more experience with these guys."
Said Artemis
The group let him come with him
And they're on their way to slay more monsters.

Asuka Erishima Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now