Zach part two of monster slaying

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After Amy left
The group encountered 20 more and fought them
"Well that was easy." Said Jessie
"They're nothing compared to the other ones I seen they're something else but hopefully they'll never come here ." Said Artemis. "How different are they compared to the ones they killed?" Asked Leo Artemis was interrupted by a announcement
"Since you guys killed off all 300 monsters you all get a week off please return to the school immediately."
"How would they do that if they don't know how?" Asked Preston.
"The staff will pick them up if they're lost." Said Artemis
"Well let's get going then." Said asuka and then they were interrupted by a voice
"So you managed to kill more than 5 monsters I'm impressed." Said a guy sitting in the trees he just got here
"And I see you have someone new with you." The same guy said as he jumps off a tree "my name is Zach,I'm the son of the leader of the monster prevention program." Said the guy
"Do I have to tell you my name?" Asked Asuka
"Nope you don't have to I can see the documents in the office and you're asuka erishima." Said Zach.
Asuka was speechless
"So what do you want from us." Asked Jessie
" I was told that you hurt one of the most respectful smart intelligent and beautiful student in the school." Said Zach
Asuka knew who he's referring too
"No she isn't respectful she called us
freaks." Asuka protested.
"You are and she's right." Said Zach
Artemis walked towards Zach and looked at him
"Just because they're way more different than you doesn't mean they're freaks." Artemis said sternly.
"Oh really then, we will fight Artemis." Said zach as he pulled his sword out
Zach and Artemis charged at each other
Their weapons clashed at each other
Artemis kicked him to the sky and jumped up and kicked him back down
Zach got up before Artemis could stomp on him once he got back on the ground
And he punched Artemis hard on the stomach and Artemis hits a tree but he quickly gets up and grabs his harbinger
He started charging at zach and the fight start to escalate and Asuka didn't like it so she tried to stop it but zach knocked her and she flew to the sky. "ASUKA!!!!" Screamed aiu ."THE HELL DID YOU DO!!!!" Shouted Artemis "what? She got in the way." Said zach "I WANT TO KILL YOU!!!" Jessie screamed as she charged to zach and she punched zach and he hit against a tree unconscious "we got to get to her!!!" Leo said panicked "I hate zach so much." Sora said. Everyone looked at Sora.
"I want to kill zach but I know I couldn't." Said Sora. Leo looked at Sora." I wanted to kill him too." Said leo
"Zach threw her that way we should walk there." Said Preston "what if she was thrown far away?" Asked Jessie anxiously.
"Doesn't matter Jessie we need to get her and if she's extremely injured we can treat her." Said Hailey
"Let's go then." Said Emily
The group started to walk the direction where asuka was thrown

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