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chapter nine (ix) : argument

His words had already pissed me off but that was the final straw for me. No one has even come to me with a problem so how the fuck was I supposed to help? I thought to myself. 'Fuck you aether' I told him walking out the room with nothing but pure rage in my body. He stared back at her angrily before standing up himself, he quickly stormed after her 'and where the hell are you going?' he said before cornering her and getting right in her face

'Aether move out of my way' I told him sternly.
'No, thats not how this goes. your not going to storm off after acting so out of line at the dinner table and then not give a reason as to why your storming off. So im not moving and im not letting you go until you give me an answer.' he replied. 'don't tell me what to do, fucking move' I said pushing his chest back. His expression turned angry 'and who the hell do you think you are?' he snapped pushing her against the wall with some force. aether wasn't really used to being angry so this was a rare sight, he looked down at her and stared back into her eyes for a few moments.

The fact he'd pushed me up against the wall like that didn't only hurt my shoulder but it scared the shit out of me. Footsteps were heard coming down the hallway, 'Aether!' Papa snapped storming over with an angered look on his face. as papa stormed over aether seemed to snap back to reality and immediately let go of her 'what do you think you're doing!' he barked at aether 'you lay a finger on my daughter again and your out! You could have hurt her' he sounded both angry and disappointed in his tone.

aether was completely taken back by papa's tone and anger and realised how far he'd let his anger get the best of him. 'Im sorry papa I just-" he sighed 'i just lost control'. 'L-lost control?! You'll lose more than control if I catch you laying another finger on her do you understand me!?' Papa snapped. aether stood silent for a moment and nodded his head 'i understand, I got carried away and I apologise for my actions' he stared at the ground for a moment before looking back at papa 'there will be no need to worry, I won't do it again.'. 'Get out of my sight' papa mumbled.

aether nodded and walked off. papa turned his attention back towards me and looked at me with a concerned expression. 'are you ok?' he asked in a gentle tone. 'I-I'm fine dad..d-does he usually do that? get that mad?' I asked him slightly concerned that there was an underlying issue. 'he does get pretty upset at times, but hes never gotten that mad before. he was completely out of control of himself...' papa told me.

'I-i think I know why' Swiss said appearing behind papa. Papa turned around 'and whats that?' he asked looking in Swiss' direction. 'I-I can't really say it in front of others, it's more of a private matter' he told papa. 'We can go somewhere more private then, tell me whats wrong' papa looked at him closely and could see how nervous he was about talking about it infront of other people. Once they had gone off into the other room I couldn't hear a thing.

the other room:

'Yesterday me,aether and sodo were talking when I made a joke that sodo was head over heels for y/n..and it led into us figuring out that he actually is head over heels. Long story short aether and sodo got into a bit of an argument where aether got in his face and practically told him that because he was a vampire there was no way she would fall in love with 'a disgusting creature' like him..his words not mine..and it actually really upset sodo

so afterwards I went to aether and asked him if everything was okay and asked him why did he get In sodos face like that, in which he replied 'it's annoying because I also like I just think she's really hot' now both of them are like fighting for y/n to love them I think' Swiss told papa.

papa looked even more concerned as he listened, a look of disbelief crossed his face as he heard the details 'wait so your telling me that aether and sodo both like y/n and are just arguing and fighting each other over who she will pick...' he sounded dumbfounded 'and where is sodo now?' He asked.
papa looked over at me through the window 'well, this is complicated. I'll speak to aether tonight and sort this out one way or another...' he then turns back to swiss 'thank you for telling me this, i didnt know this was even happening.'

'Your welcome just please don't tell sodo I've told you about him liking y/n and especially don't tell him aether does too otherwise we're all skrewed' he chuckled but was serious deep down. 'Dont worry i wont say anything, this situation is already bad and i dont need it to get any worse, i'll sort out the boys tonight and hopefully get the issue resolved' he looks back at me 'i'm sorry you got dragged into all this, you'll just have to stay out of it from now on alright?'. 'Got it cardinal, but before you go..' Swiss said hesitantly.

'Yes child?' papa asked looking back at him 'is there something else you wish to discuss?'. 'I do believe sodo loves y/n for who she is h-however I think aether just likes her because she's 'hot'' he told him. 'Aether just likes her simply because she's pretty...' he sighed 'that is not a good basis to build a relationship on.' he couldn't help but feel a little angry at the fact aether would be the one to like y/n for that reason. 'I know but I feel like sodo wouldn't just using her be using her because yesterday he'd said 'she's just so perfect, there's literally nothing about her that I would change if I could. She's got this smile that makes me happy seeing her do it and her eyes..pure ecstasy.' and I truly believe he was telling the truth about how she makes him feel.' He told papa

'You think sodo really means that? You don't think hes just telling y/n this because he just wants something from her because he finds her attractive? because if hes really telling the truth then thats good, y/n deserves better than someone who only likes her for her appearance only'. ' you know if y/n has a boyfriend?' He asked. papa thought about it for a moment 'to my knowledge no she doesn't but I could be very wrong.'. 'Okay papa thanks' Swiss said. 'your welcome' he nods his head and walks away.

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