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chapter twenty seven (xxvii) : his cologne

sodo's breath caught in his throat as his body shook from his intense emotion and the rush of adrenaline flooding through his body. as the blood dripped from his mouth, he looked back at swiss and papa who both had smiles on their faces as they looked at him. their positive reaction gave him a glimmer of hope that maybe he had made the right decision. he grabbed onto you tight as he smiled softly and began to carry you back inside. the second he reached the entrance he quickly made a dash over to your bedroom and placed you down in your bed and tucked you in. he pulled up a stool and sat beside you holding your hand and looking at you with so much hope in his eyes.

All the ghouls surrounded your bed waiting for you to wake up, even aether was there. as he sat there by your side patiently waiting for you to wake up, everything had come to a stand still. nothing else mattered in this moment except for you and your return. he wanted nothing more than to see your eyes open again and feel your lips on his one more time. his nerves and anxiety grew more and more as the minutes ticked by without you waking up so he couldnt help but let out a big sigh as he waited to see any signs of life from you. 'He probably left it to long' aether snickered.

for a second, in the back of his mind, he thought aether might be right, but he couldnt help but feel angry at him for even suggesting that. just because a few minutes have passed, he couldnt believe he would be so quick to give up hope. he continued to wait patiently yet his anxiety and frustration started to build up even more as minutes passed and the wait continued. 'She's dead..she's not gonna turn' aether mumbled shaking his head 'if it was me I wouldn't have even hesitated'. as the thought of her being dead came back into his mind, he couldn't handle it. he didnt want to even think of her being dead, it was too much for him to handle so he tried to block out Aether's words instead. the anger and frustration his friend had built up inside of him started to boil over and he suddenly snapped at the boy. 'shut up...dont you dare try and make me lose hope...' he yelled out as he started to get more and more agitated.

'Aether that's enough' papa snapped. that was all it took for the sudden burst of frustration he had built up to suddenly dissipate as he heard papa's voice telling aether to stop. he didnt feel as angry or frustrated anymore, he was just feeling a deep sense of anxiety as he continued to wait for you to wake up. his fingers were tightly entwined with yours and his eyes were glued firmly on your face waiting for some sort of sign that showed life.

I slowly began to smell sodos cologne and felt a small smile appear on my face. As I slowly blinked awake I felt like my whole body was burning but I felt my hand being held which was nice, I soon figured when I looked to my left that that was sodos hand holding mine. to say his hope suddenly lifted is definitely an understatement. he wasnt even able to put into words how relieved he was when he saw you begin to open your eyes and heard the soft sound of you breathing. he was holding your hand as tight as possible, not wanting to let go of it for one second in case you disappeared on him again. the feeling of you starting to grip onto his hand to him was like heaven. he couldnt help but let out a sigh of relief as his whole body relaxed as he heard your soft breathing and felt your warm hand grabbing onto his. it was at this moment that he realized just how much you meant to him, he really couldnt live without you by his side. his eyes were glued firmly back on you as he was just so happy to see you were awake yet he was still afraid to believe this was really happening.

I brought my hand up to my neck as I looked at sodo with tears in my eyes. he noticed you were starting to rub at your neck and as he saw the tears spilling out of your eyes he finally felt some actual hope that this was working, that youre actually really waking up. the fact that you were able to grab your neck made him feel a little relieved that you were actually finally coming back to him. 'oh thank god your finally awake...i thought you were gone forever....'. 'w-why aren't I dead?' I asked hoping someone would give me an answer.

everyone in the room froze for a moment as the words escaped your lips, they were all thinking the same thing, was this really happening? was this actually working? when you spoke, it was like a bolt of lightning had struck everyone in the room, it was almost like a miracle was happening before everyone's eyes. their eyes suddenly shifted onto sodo, waiting for him to give some kind of response and he was almost at a loss for words. this was everything he had worked so hard for and in this moment his wish had come true. your eyes were open and you were alive. it was the happiest moment of his whole life until suddenly you asked a question that caused his heart to drop. 'I'm not supposed to be here..I'm supposed to be dead? Wh-what's going on?' I asked getting a little confused

papas daughter { vampire sodo fanfic } Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt