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It was as if his blood became fire in his veins. Harry felt like he was burning but in no way did he want to get away from this inferno. One hand on Voldemort's shoulder, he tightened the fabric of the dark mage's robes who were trying to drive him crazy with pleasure once again. Harry didn't know what exactly triggered this 'need', but it literally was one. Once the man fixed his violet gaze on him, he was disarmed and his body awoke. It wasn't just the scent of the creature that made his head spin, it was also something in his chest although he had no words to describe it.

A guttural moan passed his lips when Voldemort lingered more on his frenulum, teasing the edge of his glans. Harry couldn't take his eyes off the spectacle: the dark wizard on his knees in front of him, his mouth closed around his erection glistening with saliva as it appeared between two intense sucks. The serpentine tongue seemed everywhere, especially in the best place and Harry moaned again when she licked around his urethra.

If he was supposed to be non-consenting, it was a failure. Harry wanted Voldemort to drain him of more sperm. As much as was necessary to feed the creature. Of course, the thought wasn't so clear in his mind but it had already taken root and it wouldn't leave, no matter his future struggles. Especially since there were worse things to experience than this crazy pleasure, right?

Harry felt like he was already dripping, drowning the dark wizard's throat with seminal fluid. He squeezed Voldemort's pale, bony shoulder tighter, his hips stuttering as he moved for more contact with that warm mouth, eyes half-lidded. It doesn't matter that the man is caressing her buttocks, it doesn't matter that he feels his fingers in normally inappropriate places. The pressure in his lower abdomen increased further and Harry came with a cry to which Voldemort responded with a happy growl. Sensitive, the teenager felt every movement of the black mage's throat around him as he swallowed his seed.


Except he was just as happy to like it, right. Out of breath, Harry still clung to his former enemy, shuddering at his kisses on his burning skin.

-What are you doing to me…

-I bind us. For ever.

Harry would still like to protest. What would become of him? What could he possibly do to fix this situation? He looked at Voldemort and thought he read the same uncertainties as his own in his eyes for a few seconds before the older man hid behind his mask. His sheet covered him again and Voldemort sat him down in his chair. Harry stared at the remains of his breakfast, his mind on all the questions they needed to answer for their future. He took his tea again, Voldemort warmed it with a spell without him asking. Harry understood the silent message: the creature takes care of its food.


-… So, demons exist?

There was a long silence between them, while Harry finished eating. He still felt like he was floating, as if the effects of the orgasm couldn't get away from him. Voldemort looked up from his parchments, Harry was still getting used to him not showing animosity, he could see it as a sort of annoyance but little more.

-Yes, but not on this plane of existence. The path to their kingdom was closed after their departure. This is the result of their copulations with humans and other creatures before they move on. So you know that incubi are demons.

-I did a little catechism…

Or to be clearer, Harry had to do Dudley's homework on religion so that Dudley wouldn't get into trouble at church. Besides, the Dursleys were devout believers, his aunt at least went to church every two weeks. In the last news. So yes, he knew what he was being talked about and Harry was relieved that real pureblood demons were no longer in this reality.

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