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Tom didn't know exactly what came over him as he sat on the edge of the bathtub, wetting his wizarding robes as he began to wash Potter's hair. It had a pulse, certainly due to his need to touch his mate. Which didn't necessarily put him in a good mood. He had never done that for anyone, even at the orphanage. So what ? Was the incubus feeling romantic? Because the bath, the snack and now this... His fingers were itching to do anything else but he couldn't curse himself. Or Potter. He could have stopped or should have. Yes, due. Except his nails were scratching the kid's scalp nicely and it felt good.

-You talked about consumption… Like a wedding, right?

-Effectively. You need to know what that means.

-… I believe. But we're men... We can't have babies, too.

Voldemort furrowed his brand new eyebrows. So what ? No...Potter didn't know...

-Hogwarts no longer gives sex education classes?

-Is the school supposed to give them? First news…

Potter's incredulous tone made him want to roll his eyes. Why didn't he have Dumbledore chained to a beam so he could torture him. Shit. He quickly understood that he was the first to touch his prey so intimately, the incubus was delighted and Tom himself felt a vague pride tinged with deep concern. Already because of his own physical state. And now on how to get the youngest to accept it. And while he was still massaging, Potter dared to sigh with well-being. The absurdity of it hit him like a punch except that nothing would change. It was up to him to make Potter happy and he would do it willingly sooner rather than later. It was already too late.

-Yes, the nurse is supposed to give some. It is possible for two men to physically unite through the only available hole at the bottom.

-… You… No… But does it work? I mean, that's not what it's normally used for.

-Oh I assure you that you will have lots and lots of fun. I would know how to do it.

Why did seeing Potter blush so much turn him on so much? The kid continued to eat rather than answer him, his eyes protected by the spell Voldemort had put on his glasses without even thinking about it. Seeing him feed reassures him a little too much for his liking.

-I will relax your body with my fingers before proceeding with the insertion…

-Stop! I got the idea! You pervert, all that's missing is a diagram!

Voldemort couldn't help but smile. Foam flew from the bath and began to very graphically mimic the action under the stunned gaze of Potter who dropped a piece of cookie into the water.

-Not perverted, Harry, incubus.

And he was starting to be proud of it.


Mortified and outraged, Harry threw the remains of his cookie into the moving moss. As if he wanted a drawing! And to think about that! A vague panic wanted to invade him but having the incubus' full attention prevented it. So that was what feeling safe was like? Or it was just a fabrication of his mind. He turned his head towards Voldemort who seemed genuinely amused by his embarrassment.

-It's the same ! You want to have sex with a fourteen year old!

-I already have sex with a fourteen year old teenager. A fellatio is a sexual act.

Harry hadn't wanted or needed to hear it. He wanted to run away, once again, but to hide where? Besides, he was completely naked, completely wet... No, not a good plan, he had the impression of feeling the incubus' hunger, he didn't want to provoke him. He swallowed and grabbed a muffin without looking. What could he say? He felt like he was in a minefield except that the explosion was an orgasm. Yeah, not the best way to tell yourself that you have to stay good. And why did he want Voldemort to do it?! It was absurd, he didn't want to sleep with this man! He would know if he wanted to! The link. This damn link.

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