2 : The senior card

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"No beauty without intelligence."

"Pleaseee, the last time you went was months ago" My best friend Gracie whines while pulling on my arm, she has been begging me to come to a hockey game with her to watch her boyfriend Logan - who happens to be the team captain - and her "brother" JJ play.

Her and JJ have known each other longer than me and her, they have a bond as close as siblings which is why they call each other siblings, It's actually how she met her boyfriend Logan.

After months of dealing with feelings and tears they finally got together seven months ago and have been stuck by each others side ever since.

Also ever since she has been begging me to come with her to watch him play, and I always refuse. It's not that I don't like the team because I do as I am close with some of the players on the team such as Archie watts who is in the same year as me, and I was brought up by a hockey enthusiast so I know the basics about the game.

My problem is with the fact that my Physco ex boyfriend could be there.

Jax Jenkins is a big hockey fan, even though he got very intimidated whenever we would hang around JJ and the team back in sophomore year. I ended our on and off relationship back in January, - it's September now -  he has been texting and calling me since. I tried stop it when I blocked him and changed my number but he still managed to get to me.

"I'm gonna pull the senior card" Gracie says huffing, I know I'm not winning this argument. Gracie created the Senior card at the start of summer - before the start of the school year - since she is a senior and I am a Junior, her words were more like 'This is my last year with you, so whenever I want to hangout, I pull the senior card and you have to say yes'.

"Ugh fine, give me a few minutes so I can change" I say sighing as I dramatically get off her bed and walk to my room, "What are you wearing?!" I shout to her once I reach my room.

"Logan's jersey!" She shouts back, I roll my eyes at her and her boyfriends cuteness and then walk to my wardrobe messing up all my clothes. It takes me 10 minutes to choose, I end up wearing a simple skirt and a long sleeve top, I paired it with some gold hoop earrings and a white ribbon in my freshly curled hair.

"Emma's here!" Gracie shouts from the hallway, I slip on my socks and put on my sneakers rushing out of my room. Emma Edwards is every guys dream wife, her body is full of curves and she has the most lush ginger hair, she's quiet at times, and when I asked her what her dream job was she replied with "Being a housewife".

Unfortunately for those boys Emma is taken, her boyfriend Ed is also on the hockey team which is how her and Gracie met, so usually when Gracie goes to watch Logan play, Emma takes her.

"Hi Emma!" I say to her making sure to flash a wide smile as I get into her Honda, she turns to smile at me giving me the opportunity to look at her outfit. She is wearing a small white dress, taking advantage of the last moments of warmth we have in September, the dress compliments her bright red hair.

"You look so eatable. No wonder why all the guys in the state are falling on their knees for you." Emma says raking her eyes over my outfit. I know that I get attention from boys - and sometimes girls too - I'm not blind, but I don't take up their attention, my priorities are elsewhere.

I compliment her back before settling into my seat at the back, I pull out my phone and reply to the messages my mum sent me since she still lives back in my hometown.

Mum💕: I saw the transferred money. Very unhappy :|

I slightly laugh at my mums use of emojis. I grew up lower class which meant that my parents worked multiple jobs just to keep food on the table, I didn't grow up with the luxuries of sports, Christmas, take outs but I never blamed my parents for that, not once.

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