28 : My Secret

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"I can't say hello to you and risk another goodbye."

"You actual asshole. Where the fuck you been?!" Archie curses at me before engulfing me in a hug as I approach their table after my shift.

"You look hungover" I grimace when I look at the rest of the guys who are sporting deep eye bags and chapped lips.

"Hey!" Gracie says when I enter the booth sitting next to Archie and Joey ,wrapped up in her boyfriends arms Gracie smiles at me across the booth blowing me a kiss.

"Genuinely Lizard, where ya been?" JJ asks from opposite me raising an eyebrow,

"Here and there" I shrug,

With your rival schools captain.

If I'm not at the diner or at class or home studying I'm with Luke, his sister left a week ago after his birthday and his mood has changed, in a bad way.

He still smiles at me, calls me beautiful, laughs with me, on the outside he looks the same but he isn't and it terrifies me.

"Yeah well you could spend some more time here with us" JJ says amusement taking over his face as he glares at me,

Archie hangs a stiff arm over my shoulders as conversation continues on the table.

"-his stats. Crazy good. Beckett is bringing game this season, three less fights on ice than last year so far" the mention of my boyfriend causes my ears to perk up, calming myself down I slouch back into the seat trying to act chalant.

Archie however notices my face and gives me an eyebrow raise along with a nudge,

"Anyone know where he wants to be drafted, probably a rich ass-"

"Vipers" I answer naturally, fiddling with my fingers. The table goes deathly silent, a pin could drop and you would hear it.

Looking up from my lap my eyes widen with the realisation of what I've just said, all of the guys stare at me with equally as wide eyes.

Even Gracie and Logan have detangled themselves from one another with jaws on the floor looking at me .

"Uh-you know, I saw it on an article" I lie, not mentioning the Vancouver vipers poster under his bed that I made fun of once.

"Nice to hear you're searching me up Myers." I wince at the sound of the familiar voice behind me, all heads turn to look at the source immediately glaring at it.

I turn around last locking eyes with Luke who gives me a wink, I feel a pink tint creep onto my cheeks as I bite back a smile.

"Back up" Joey warns getting out of his seat next to me, instead of my boyfriend doing what he's told he takes a step forward an amused smile covering his face.

Wyatt and two other guys I don't know stand cautiously behind Luke ready to help him, I catch sight of Eli and a few other guys on his team by the counter at the front flirting with one of the freshman.

"I mean it Beckett back the fuck up and go home." Joey drawls fisting his hand, Luke pays no attention to him his eyes locked on mine. I give him an expression to say 'what're you doing?are you crazy?!'

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