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It's been 7 years since you were sent to hell and met Alastor you've grown stronger, taller, and beautiful you and Alastor was walking in hell when you both saw something...interesting on the 666 News Channel. Seeing a girl with blonde hair her name was Charlie Morningstar trying to convince that she and her little hotel..can help sinners into heaven..when you heard that you thought it was stupid and dumb but when you looked at Alastor he had one of his signature grins on his face he looked at you and nodded you looked at him like he lost his marbles
(Y/N): "are you crazy we are not going there!" But Alastor grabbed your hand and walked to where is hotel is you groaned in annoyed way, as you made it to the hotel Alastor knocked on the door...the door opened and there was Charlie...
Alastor: "Hel-" the door shut then opened again "lo" then closed again you looked at Alastor and giggled a bit Alastor: "not funny (Y/N).." you covered your mouth and cleared your throat and the door opened again Alastor: "may I speak now?" Charlie looked at you both and said Charlie: "You may" but then got cut off by alastor you both walked in as Alastor was talking to Charlie you saw a girl with long white hair, an X over her eye and your eyes widen as you was your younger sister Vaggie as she looked up she didn't see you at first and ran to Alastor holding her spear to his face Vaggie: "cabrón hijo de perra your not going to hurt anyone here you Pompous Corny Talk Show Lord of Shit!" Alastor giggled Alastor: "if I wanted to hurt anyone here I would've done so" his face turned creepy you just rolled your eyes sharping your scythe in the background Alastor: "no we are here are here to help!" He said wrapping his arm around you you just groaned (Y/N): "for the record I don't wanna be here" Vaggies eyes widen when she saw you and whispered "sister..?" Charlie looked at Vaggie Charlie: "what did you say Vag?" Vaggie nodded Vaggie: "yes I'm ok it's just..she looks familiar..." Charlie tilted her head Charlie: "hmm she kinda looks like you Vaggie?" Alastor smiled and walked to the fireplace snapping his finger and a black ball came from the fireplace Charlie Vaggie and Angel dust looked a bit weirded out but then it turned into a cute little cyclops demon that was pink and yellow with a bit of white Alastor: "this little darling is Niffty" he dropped Niffty on the ground Niffty: "Hi I'm Niffty it's funny seeing more then I can see why are you all female? ARE THERE ANY MAN HERE!? Sorry that was rude of me oh my goodness it's a dirty in here it could use a lady's touch because your all lady's no offense OH MY GOD ITS SO DIRTY" as Niffty was running around cleaning you all turned your heads as you see Husker you waved at him and he waved back Husker: "hey Kit" you smiled (Y/N): "hi pussy cat"...

After a while

After the whole Sir Pentious attack you went in your new room to be stopped by Vaggie.. Vaggie: "(Y/N) that you sis?" You stopped and looked at Vaggie and smiles a bit (Y/N): "Yea it's me Vag" she teared up and hugged you and you hugged her back as the camera faded and the end credits came on

Carmilla Carmine X (fallen) Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now