Welcome to heaven prt 3

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[Transitions back to the courtroom.

Adam: "Heavenly people, what more do you need to see? The porn star and the popstar chose a night of debauchery. That's not a soul worthy of being in Heaven!"

Charlie: "Uhm, objection! Are you really telling me you've never had a drink with friends at the end of a hard day?"

Adam: "Uh, we don't have hard days? It's fucking Heaven, bitch. You seriously gonna sit there and pretend like this behavior is ok?"

Charlie: "*growls*"

Adam: "*to Vaggie, and (Y/N) with malicious intent* What do you think?"

Vaggie: "I-I- I have to go the bathroom!"

[(Y/N) just looked away]

[Vaggie rushes out of the courtroom.]

Charlie: "What? Vaggie, can you hold it?! *frustrated groan* Angel will make good decisions, come on! We have to keep watching! Please?"

Sera: "*sighs* Yeah, I don't know."

[sera looked at (Y/N) as she had a pleasing face Sera sighed]

Sera: "fine, Very well, the court will allow it."

Charlie: "Fuck, yes! I mean... heh... thank you."

[The scene transitions back to the club, where the gang have had multiple drinks.]

Cherri Bomb: "Round 12, motherfuckers! Heels are coming off!"

Angel Dust: "Ho ho yeah! Keep 'em comin'! Come on, right here! Come right here to daddy."

Sir Pentious: "Oh, it's wonderful to have friends! *chuckles*"

Niffty: "Everything's spinny! *giggles*"

Angel Dust: "Ha, I think you're done, tiny."

Niffty: "No! Gimme gimme gimme!"

Cherri Bomb: "Oh come on, bitch! She can handle a little more!"

Angel Dust: "She's like 10 pounds soaking wet and— oh shit, where'd she go?"

[Niffty is shoving other patrons' drinks into a sack.]

Guys at a table: "Hey! Fuck!"

Niffty: "Dirty, dirty! Make it clean!"

Angel Dust: "Damn it, Niffty. Sorry fellas, here, next one's on me. Niffty? Shit!"

[Niffty's digging through a supply closet.]

Niffty: "Chlorine... Bleach..."

Cherri Bomb: "Angie, the fuck you doin'? You're supposed to be relaxin', not playin' nanny!"

Angel Dust: "Look she ain't used to this scene, I-I just dont want her to end up in the gutter like I used to."

Cherri Bomb: "Pfft, WHATEVER, NERD, just catch up when you're done!"

Niffty: "*laughing*"

[Angel picks Niffty.]

Angel Dust: "STOP!! You can't take tha- GOD, Niff, why you bein' such a mess?!"

Niffty: "I'm the mess...? *Niffty starts crying]*"

Angel Dust: "Oh, oh shit! Hey hey, Hey calm down. *Take deep breaths* It's fine. Shh.. Hey, you wanna play with the kitty?"

Niffty: "*stops crying* yeah..."

[Angel puts Niffty on Husk's head while she giggles about it.]

Husk: "The fuck is this?"

Carmilla Carmine X (fallen) Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now