Chapter Twenty-Seven

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        What was it with this stupid closet?

        "You have to know this isn't really a first date," Cindy said as Emma once again stood before her now a little less empty closet. She fought to find the perfect dress. "Cody practically lives here now and eats dinner with us like every single night."
A fact that Emma was very grateful for, sleep hadn't been all that great since she'd come home and she'd yet to be able to look at that back stairs without shaking like a leaf. But there was progress, she did a load of laundry this morning. Baby steps.

        "It is very much a first date," Emma insisted, pulling out a red silk dress and holding it up in front of her reflection in the mirror. Sexy fire engine red. The color of a wild seductress. Could she really do this? Emma inwardly shivered with excitement and maybe a little nerves too.  

        "Sweetie, you guys are living together. I think that sort of moves beyond a first date," Cindy said munching happily on a bag of popcorn.

        Ignoring Cindy's comment she held the dress up and turned this way and that to see the reflection. Of course she could do this, it was Cody. He always made her feel so safe, even brave at times. "Maybe this one?"

        "Oh yeah, definitely the red one."

        "I think so too." She nodded, tossing it over the back of her chair.

        Of course, Cindy was right. Cody had been here more than he'd been in his own house. He slept in the parlor on the pull out couch. Even though she offered to share her room, and bed with him. He'd merely grinned that sexy grin of his and drawled at her that he couldn't trust himself in bed with her. She smiled to herself. Probably for the best considering maybe she didn't trust herself with him either. More to the point she didn't care if they failed to behave. She'd promised herself she wouldn't take any more opportunities with Cody for granted. This was a chance for them to begin something special, and darn it she planned to take advantage of it.

        "Cindy, it is definitely a first date because we haven't gone out to dinner in a restaurant where I didn't do the dishes afterwards ergo this is a date. And since this hasn't happened before, it is a first." She tossed her hands upwards. "Voila! There you have it a first date!"

        "You know I'm beginning to worry that you've been hanging out with Tony way too much. That or his blood has damaged you in some way, because I think his smart ass ways are rubbing off on you," Cindy said, tossing a sock at her. Emma laughed and caught the flying pink torpedo.

        "Careful otherwise I might think you want to hang out with my big brother," Emma teased and decided that the black high heeled pumps would be perfect. This had to be just the right outfit. She'd even bought the most beautiful lingerie to wear underneath. Not that she had a guarantee that Cody would see them or anything. Besides if by some wonderful chance the moment presented itself she wanted to be prepared. But most importantly they made her feel sexy, and honestly she needed the boost.

        Since she'd come home from the hospital Cody had been attentive but something was still off. He seemed to be hiding something from her. She hadn't allowed the concern to color her interactions with him. She'd chosen to just let it ride, and enjoy her new life.

        The house had been peaceful even if every now and then the lights flickered pretty badly. The sweet scent of lavender would waft across her nose now and then. Emma wasn't sure if there was any activity in the basement, and frankly if she never set foot down there ever again she'd be totally fine. Maybe someday she'd overcome that, but for now she was fine with sending Cody down there while she stayed up at the top of the staircase.

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