Chapter Thirty-One

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Cody felt Emma tremble as he led her upstairs. He could literally feel her emotions filling him. Now that his Gran had begun to tell him what was going on a lot of things made sense.

But all of that had been cut off when she'd bolted.

He grinned to himself at the memory of Gran. She'd smacked him and said, 'go catch your wife, you. She gon' hurt her feet". Of course he'd done as he was told. But in this case it wasn't a hard choice for him to make. Apparently he'd follow Emma anywhere, even into death's embrace.

They'd stayed quiet while they returned to the house. The second his boots crossed the threshold his Ma and Gran both flocked to Emma, fussing and cooing softly over her, leading her toward the cozy chair arrangement in front of the fireplace.

"Come on over here," Gran took her hand and led her to the couch.

"You poor sweet thing! Well get you something warm to drink," Marissa glanced at her husband, Drew nodded wordlessly and headed for the kitchen.

"Nice work Son," Drew said, pausing to clap his back with one hand and handing him coffee with the other. "Knew you'd catch her."

Cody nodded and accepted the chicory coffee. "Apparently I didn't have a choice. Gran looked serious when she lifted her wooden spoon."

Drew chucked. "Usually never a good idea to question or hesitate if she lifts that particular weapon."

"You two come sit," Gran ordered from her seat next to Emma. "An' bring that tray."

Drew nodded and handed Cody the small plate of fresh apple fritters as he lifted the tray loaded down with coffee, sugar, cream and cups. Looks like they'd been busy while he'd gone out to catch Emma. But then to be fair his Dad was often brewing coffee. The man lived for a good cup of coffee.

"Yes, Gran," he said and followed behind his dad, realizing he'd be sitting across from Emma since his Ma was on one side and his Gran the other.

After arranging everything his Ma spoke softly as she started to make everyone's cup. "Emma, I think you might have misunderstood what my mother was saying a while ago, and for that we're sorry."

Emma nodded slowly and accepted her cup. "I see that now, Cody explained a little."

Gran nodded. "Yea, he good boy, him. But he don' know it all yet."

"No he doesn't," Marissa agreed, passing the next cup. "It seems that you and my son are soulmates."

"I didn't actually know those were a real thing," Emma admitted while sipping her coffee. "I thought it was something from romance novels and movies."

Gran snorted, waving her hand. "Naw, those be real, girl. Jus' like twin flames are real."

Cody rubbed his chin. "What exactly is a twin flame Gran?"

Marissa answered when her mother looked at her. "A twin flame is a partner of sorts. Usually they aren't a romantic match, that's normally a soulmate, who is the perfect match to each other in everything. They evolve as necessary in order to remain perfectly suited."

"Okay, so it's like a soulmate?" Cody asked.

"Not exactly. The difference is a twin flame doesn't feel the need to evolve. They simply are. They are able to feel one another's emotions, will know when there is trouble and will feel overwhelming feelings when there is danger to the other." Her gaze moved to Cody. "You were inconsolable when Emma was missing."

Emma's gaze met his. "I'm so sorry you suffered because of me Cody."

Gran patted her hand. "Naw, don' you worry you. It all part of the plan. You an' ma boy were always tied to each other."

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