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i once again forgot this book, existed but without a further do, chapter 13! 

read, vote, comment and enjoy!


Kieran barged in at 10 am, yelling "Wake up!"

You could hear Elijah and Romero groan from their rooms. For once, I agreed with them.

"Kieran!" Wilson yelled. "Shut the fucking hell up!"

Literally, thank you so much.

I pulled my blanket over my head, not wanting to face the day, even if I was suffocating. I eventually put down the blanket, when I was seeing nothing but spots.

For the first time in my life, I had a headache. And it hurted like hell, like a flaming rod was being stabbed at my head. I would know, my mother did that to me when I asked her for a gift for christmas.

I dragged myself to get ready before going down the stairs to see all my brothers on the kitchen table, not in the mood, except for Kieran, who was his sunny self.

"Cheers, you're having cereal." Kieran set down the bowl in front of me.

I slowly ate the cereal, but that just made my stomach react violently to it. Unfortunately, this was the one time I couldn't stop myself from reacting. I ran all the way to my bathroom, ignoring their questioning, just in time to kneel and vomit.

When I finished cleaning up, Kieran was by the door, worry in his eyes.

Before he could say anything, I stopped him. "Don't worry I'm fine." I had to force my heart to stop jumping around, begging for his attention.

"Right, I don't believe that. Come on, you're drinking water." He followed me down the stairs.

"Are you alright Emmaline?" Wilson stood up, walking towards me.

"Don't you dare lie to him." Kieran reprimanded me before I could say anything.

"But I am fine. I really am."

"If she says she's fine, then she's fine." Elijah surprisingly spoke up for me.

He was probably saying it so he didn't have to hear the conversation. I knew he nor Romero cared for me.

"Alright." Wilson seemed to make up his mind. "Either way, I want you to drink a lot of water today. Okay?"

I nodded in defeat.

"Kieran, you're coming with me today." Wilson looked up from his phone, putting it away. "We got important stuff to do."

"But I told Emmaline I would get her project stuff for her." He frowned.

"This is more important. Elijah or Romero can go with her." Wilson said in a final tone of voice, before leaving.

"I'm sorry Emmaline, but work calls me." He apologized, ruffling my hair, with a sad look in his eyes.

"It's fine." I was used to being disappointed, this was no different. It's not like I should've expected it. Whatever I wanted didn't matter.

I knew my place. I wasn't worth anyone's time of day. I was just there to obey them, and make it look like they were good guardians.

They eventually left, leaving me in the same room as my other brothers, the one who loathed me with everything they had.

I was going to leave the room, when Romero stopped me. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going to my room." I turned around, remembering the rules. If I didn't obey, I would be punished. That's how it was. That's how it always was.

"Well, get dressed. I'll take you to the store."

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