Chapter 5

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Mom yelled, "Why the hell did you create a scene at dinner? You're such an attention seeker. I'm getting married, and I don't care about your opinion. You have to adjust with your brothers because it's your problem, not mine." She then left my room.

I stood up, glanced at the mirror, and saw the slap mark on my cheek. Strangely, I didn't cry; maybe I had forgotten how to.


Next day~


Waking up on a Saturday morning, I went through my usual routine of freshening up before heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. Skipping breakfast, as it tended to make me feel queasy, I took a moment to gather myself for the day ahead.

What I was wearing:

As I moved about, I noticed my mother emerging from her room, fully dressed and seemingly ready to embark on some venture

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As I moved about, I noticed my mother emerging from her room, fully dressed and seemingly ready to embark on some venture. The air carried a sense of anticipation, leaving me curious about her plans for the day.

"Y/N, come on! We're going for my wedding shopping. I don't want you to look like a maid tomorrow," my mother exclaimed in an annoyed tone as she headed towards the main door of our flat. Letting out a sigh, I hastily slipped into my slippers and followed her, leaving the flat in tow. The prospect of wedding shopping didn't exactly thrill me, but I resigned myself to the impending ordeal.

Seated inside the car, my mother took the wheel and drove us towards a massive mall, a beacon of luxury in Seoul. The journey remained silent, each passing moment filled with unspoken tension. Upon reaching the mall, I stepped out of the car only to spot my so-called stepbrothers and my stepdad standing next to their car. Annoyance washed over me as I cast an irritated glance in their direction, the smile on Mr. Kim's face only intensifying my sense of disgust.

I sighed and reluctantly followed my mother as she approached them, where Mr. Kim greeted her with a peck. An eye roll escaped me, and I couldn't resist the sarcastic comment, "Just get a room, you both." I noticed my brothers attempting to stifle their laughter, finding my remark amusing. Unfazed, my mom shot me an annoyed look, accompanied by her typical death glare - something I had grown accustomed to over time.

Forcing a smile, she instructed, "Y/N, go with your brothers and find a dress for the wedding. I'll be going with your dad." With that, she linked her arm with Mr. Kim's, and they walked away towards the mall. I sighed, internally grinning at the absurdity of the situation - she had just left me alone with my seven stepbrothers.

My brothers appeared just as annoyed as I was, and some were smirking, clearly reveling in the opportunity to tease. Jimin, in particular, scrutinized me from head to toe, delivering his comment, "Sissy, you look so casual-more like a maid. Oh, poor baby, let me buy you some clothes. After all, you are gonna be a Kim soon, so raise your standards, baby girl." Internally, I fought the urge to retort, resorting to poking my tongue out instead. The desire to punch him was strong, but I held back, reminding myself of the promise I couldn't break.

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