Chapter 8

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In that moment, I realized the significance of Yoongi's offer. It wasn't just an invitation to seek refuge; it was an acknowledgment of the pain I had been hiding. The weight of my struggles felt a little lighter, knowing there was someone willing to lend an ear.



In that moment, I closed my eyes, tears streaming down. Weary, I debated seeking comfort in Yoongi's room, unsure 'if it was genuine concern or pity.' Opting for a temporary escape, I took sleeping pills, hoping for respite from tangled thoughts. As the medication took effect, I surrendered to sleep, seeking solace in dreams where reality's complexities momentarily faded.

Time skip ~

Next morning, I woke up at 5 am, sighing as I sat up. Following my routine, I took a shower and devoted an hour to studying. Once done, I dressed in my uniform and headed downstairs. The house was already bustling with everyone engrossed in their breakfast.

As I moved to pass by them, Mr. Kim greeted me, "Good morning, princess. Join us for breakfast." My mom quickly intervened, dismissing the idea, "Leave her. She never does her breakfast. She's quite stubborn."

I rolled my eyes and responded, "Breakfast makes me feel sick, that's all." Mr. Kim accepted it, saying, "Oh, okay. By the way, your brothers will drop you at school. Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung, make sure to take care of her, or you know what I'm capable of."

With that, he left with my mom for his company, and Seokjin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi also departed for their respective companies.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook exchanged smirks as we were the only ones left in the mansion. Jimin approached me with a smirk, saying, "So, babygirl, we're supposed to take care of you, huh?"

He grabbed my wrist tightly while smirking. Taehyung joined in, smirking, "Little sis, you have to follow some rules. Make sure you never come around the university area. And also, never get in trouble. And no fucking boys. Got it?"

Jimin chuckled and tightened his grip, saying, "Words, babygirl." I rolled my eyes and replied, "Yes." Jungkook then grabbed the car keys, saying, "Hyung, let's leave; we're already getting late."


In the car:

Jungkook was driving with Jimin beside him, and Taehyung and I sat in the back. They continued talking and joking around during the ride, but I remained silent, gazing out the window regretting my existence.

After a while, we reached my school. Jimin looked at me and said, "We will pick you up from here, babygirl." I nodded and left. I saw them parking their car at their university ( which was right besides our high school ) parking lot, and noticed them going inside their university. I then entered my school, went to my class, and took my seat.


After the hectic classes, it was finally lunchtime. I came to my locker and took out my banana milk. Let me tell you, I have a whole carton of banana milk inside my locker because why not.

Anyway, I also took out the book I was supposed to read. Having finished 'All the Bright Places,' I moved on to a new one, 'No Longer Human.' Carrying my banana milk, book, and some crackers, I went to the cafeteria and chose a quiet corner table to enjoy my lunch in peace.

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