Chapter 5

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Margaret slept at nights with the teddy bear at her side.It made her feel safe with the presence of Medusa at her side.Medusa made her feel safe like no one else.

One morning at her office,she had a severe headache.She had fever.Next day,she couldn't even get up from her bed.She skipped office.She skipped her breakfast.She skipped her lunch. Caroline had called her by phone and Margaret had told her about her condition.

The window creaked open and a black figure jumped in.
"You didn't go to office today?"
"Nah,I am having high fever since yesterday."
"Oh...Did you have lunch?"
"Nope.I can't..."Margaret sneezed."...get up from bed since morning."

The black figure,which was Medusa, went near and pressed her cold hand on Margaret's forehead."Shit!You are burning."

Margaret coughed and pulled the blanket over her head.Medusa went to the kitchen and prepared some soup.
"Baby girl.",she called."Here. Have it. You'll feel better." Margaret sat up and took the bowl from her.Medusa went back to the kitchen.

Margaret was half-way through her soup when the smell of omelette came wafting from the kitchen. Medusa had been preparing food. She could cook?
Well,that's great.

Fifteen minutes later,she came back with a few toasts and an omlette on a plate."I am not a really good cook,but you need to eat to feel better.",she said keeping the plate on the bed.She sat down beside Margaret. Margaret sighed,"Thank you." and Medusa nodded as she took out her phone from her pocket.She opened her contacts and the instant she did so, Margaret snatched the phone out of her hands.

"What the heck,Carter!", exclaimed Medusa. Margaret typed her number and gave back her phone with a ghost of a smile on her face.Medusa smirked and asked,"This is your number?" Margaret nodded a 'yes' biting into a toast.

Medusa got up to leave when Margaret pulled her back by her wrist."Please stay for another hour."
Medusa went near her and held her chin."Sure,as long as you want,baby girl."Margaret blushed and buried her face in Medusa's hoodie."When are you going to stop calling me that?"
"When you stop being my baby girl, which is never."

Medusa spent the night with Margaret. They discussed about their likes and dislikes,how Margaret wanted to become an eminent lady as a kid,how Medusa helped the police and received awards.About Medusa's obsession with Taylor Swift and her dream to become someone like her,one day.

Their bond deepened.Margaret had never felt so close to anybody in her whole life.She almost forgot that Medusa killed people without even blinking. Even Medusa enjoyed the company of Margaret and patiently listened to everything she said.

Margaret recovered within a few days and went to office.She received a message during lunch break.

Unknown number:
Hi.This is Medusa Johnson.

Margaret saved her number. Wannabe Taylor Swift. She smiled and typed back.

Hi! It's Margaret.

Did you just save my number with some wild ass name?

Yep!How did you know?

I can literally see you.Hope you know we get all the footages of our CCTVs and I am focused on you rn.

Hah!Says Wannabe Taylor Swift.

Wtf.You did not...

Yeah I did!

Bloody hell.

Shut up Wannabe Taylor Swift.
Don't imitate Roonil Wazlib.

Margaret noticed Medusa typing when she felt a hand on her shoulder.She turned around to see it was Zack and switched off the screen of her phone.He smiled.No,not a smile.A smirk?

"What do you need, Morgan",asked Margaret in a hoarse voice.She was still mad at him and would punch him on his Roman nose any second.
Zack lowered his mouth to her ears."You know quite well,Margaret."
He placed his hand on Margaret's shoulder.Margaret froze. She neither had the power to move nor the strength to fight.Her phone rang and she lifted her hand to reach it. Zack threw it on the floor.She was doomed.She shut her eyes.She tried to scream but her voice was stuck in her throat.

She heard a familiar voice."Stand back, Morgan.I have a gun and let me tell you,I never miss an aim."
Medusa!Margaret opened her eyes.Zack raised his hands in the air,while moving back.Medusa had a gun pointed at him.Margaret ran to her.

Medusa spoke,"I'll shoot you at the count of three.One..."
"I am sorry.Please forgive me.",cried Zack.
Margaret felt pity for him.He was her best friend afterall.
Medusa uttered,"Thr-"
"Leave him,Medusa",said Margaret.
"Fine.Last warning,Morgan.",she turned to Margaret."It's better if you fire him."
Margaret commanded,"Yeah!You are fired,Zack!"

Medusa helped a trembling Margaret to sit down.She wrapped her arms around Medusa's waist."Why...why me?!"
"I'll let you know one thing,Margaret.If he even thinks about causing any harm to you, I'll shoot him without a second thought.",stated Medusa running her hand through Margaret's hair.


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