ch-2 (veer)

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As we drove back home from Aahna's place, my mind echoed with the lively chatter and unexpected twists of the evening. Bhavya, sat in the back seat of the car, her eyes wide with curiosity. I decided to engage in some light banter with her, injecting a dose of humor into the atmosphere. well, maa was coming with chachu and chachi in their car meanwhile, dad was gone straight for meeting. bhavya insisted on coming with me.

"Hey Bhavya, did you have fun today?" I asked, giving her a playful grin.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Veer bhaiya! Aahna didi is nice. Why don't you marry her?"

I chuckled at her innocence, trying to keep the conversation lighthearted. "Bhavya, marriage is a big step. Besides, Aahna and I are not even friends. You should focus on your toys, not my love life!"

She giggled, seemingly satisfied with my response. Little did she know that the complexities of relationships weren't as simple as choosing between toys.


The night settled in as I returned home, expecting a calm atmosphere after the eventful evening. However, as I entered the living room, I found my parents waiting for me, their expressions grave and serious.

"Veer, we need to talk," my dad began, a sternness in his tone that instantly set the mood.

"What happened, Dad?" I asked, my brows furrowing in confusion.

Mom took a deep breath before speaking, "Veer, what we did today at Aahna's place wasn't just for fun or socializing. It's about a promise, a commitment made by your grandfather to Aahna's grandfather before he passed away."

I felt a surge of anger and frustration bubbling within me. "A promise? marriage? You're telling me this is some kind of family obligation? What about my choices? What about Aahna? She's still in college, for God's sake! What if she doesn't want this?" I blurted out, my frustration evident in my voice.

Dad sighed, trying to calm the storm that brewed within me. "Veer, I understand this is a lot to take in, but your grandfather's promise holds great significance for both families. We need to respect that."

"But what about Aahna's dreams, her aspirations? What if she has plans for her life that don't involve being tied down in an arranged marriage?" I argued, my mind racing with the implications of the situation.

Mom chimed in, "Veer, we know this is complicated, but we want what's best for you and for the families. It's not just about tradition; it's about the connection between our families

My anger simmered beneath the surface as I listened to my parents' explanation, feeling trapped by the weight of tradition and obligation. "But what about me? What about my dreams, my future?" I muttered to myself, frustration coursing through my veins.

Sensing my inner turmoil, Chachu and Chachi, my aunt and uncle, approached me with gentle reassurance. "Veer beta, we understand how you feel. This isn't an easy situation, but sometimes, we have to consider the bigger picture," Chachu said, his voice calm yet persuasive.

Chachi nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting empathy. "Your parents are right, Veer. This isn't just about you; it's about the legacy of our family and the bond between our families."

I clenched my fists, struggling to come to terms with the reality of the situation. "But what if Aahna doesn't want this? What if she's not ready for marriage?" I voiced my concerns, the uncertainty gnawing at me.

Chachu placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his gaze filled with understanding. "We'll talk to Aahna's family, Veer. We'll ensure that everything is done with her consent and without any force. We won't let anyone be pressured into something they're not ready for."

His words provided a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil raging within me. With a heavy sigh, I relented, albeit reluctantly. "Fine," I conceded, my voice laced with resignation. "But only if Aahna agrees willingly, without any force."

Feeling overwhelmed by the weight of the evening's revelations, I retreated to my room, seeking solace amidst the turmoil swirling within me. As I sank onto my bed, my phone buzzed with a text notification, and I glanced at the screen to find a message from rudra, my best friend and Aahna's older brother.

The message was terse, his words dripping with anger. "What the hell, Veer? Did you know about this arranged marriage nonsense?" Rudra's frustration was palpable, and I felt a pang of guilt knowing that Aahna's family must have dropped the bombshell at their house too.

Anger boiled within me as I replied, "Yeah, seems like it. This whole thing is a mess."

As I awaited rudra's response, my mind raced with thoughts about Aahna's reaction to the news. Did she feel as trapped and frustrated as I did? The uncertainty gnawed at me, fueling my frustration.

Rudra's reply came swiftly, his words reflecting the turmoil we both felt. "Aahna is furious. She said she needs time to figure this out. What the hell is going on, Veer?"

I sighed, realizing that Aahna, too, was grappling with the consequences of our families' decisions. "I don't know, rudra. This whole arranged marriage thing is crazy. I just hope Aahna doesn't get caught up in it against her will."

Rudra's reply conveyed a sense of overprotectiveness for his little sister. "She won't, Veer. I'll make sure of it. This is ridiculous. No one should force Aahna into something she doesn't want. She deserves to make her own choices."

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