ch-15 (veer)

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As I sat in my office, poring over documents and fielding calls, I heard a knock on the door. Without waiting for a response, Krish Malhotra,  barged in, his demeanor as cold as ever.

"Veer," he greeted me with a curt nod, wasting no time with pleasantries. "I need to talk to you about the facility for the medical research center."

I gestured for him to take a seat, already bracing myself for his straightforward approach. Krish was a man who didn't mince words, and I respected him for it, even if it meant dealing with his no-nonsense attitude.

"What's on your mind, malhotra?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

Krish took a seat, his expression unreadable as he began to speak. "I've reviewed the documents you provided regarding the facility. Everything seems to be in order, but there are a few points I need to clarify."

I nodded, ready to address any concerns he had. "Go ahead, malhotra. I'm here to answer any questions you may have."

Krish Malhotra, with a stack of papers in his hands, stared at me with his piercing gaze. "Firstly, the timeline. We need this facility up and running within six months. Any delays will not be tolerated."

I acknowledged his demand with a nod. "I understand the urgency, Krish. I assure you, my team will work efficiently to meet the timeline."

He continued, "Secondly, security. This research involves sensitive information. I want top-notch security measures in place. No compromises."

"Security is a top priority," I assured him. "We'll implement state-of-the-art systems to ensure the confidentiality and safety of the research."

Krish leaned back, studying me for a moment. "And finally, the financials. I want a detailed breakdown of all costs, Transparency is crucial."

"Absolutely, malhotra. I believe in complete transparency. You'll receive a comprehensive breakdown of all expenses, no hidden costs," I affirmed.

As Krish and I delved into the intricate details of the medical research facility, a knock on my office door interrupted our discussion. Before I could respond, my assistant's voice came through the door, "Mr. Veer, Ms. Aahna is here."

I glanced at Krish, acknowledging the interruption. "Excuse me for a moment, Malhotra. Seems like there's another matter that needs my attention."

He gave a curt nod, engrossed in reviewing the papers. I stood up, making my way to the door to Aahna.

As I opened the door, Aahna stood there,  "hi veer," she greeted with a smile.

"sunshine, you here?" I asked, my eyes meeting hers. 

She chuckled, "Your mom insisted I come to meet you at the office. And, by the way, we need to get ready for the Maha Puja your family is arranging this evening."

I raised an eyebrow, "Maha Puja? What's the occasion?"

Aahna explained, "Komal aunty thinks it would be good if we do a Maha Puja before our marriage. She believes it will bring blessings and positivity to our relationship."

I nodded, understanding my mom's intentions. "Alright, we'll make sure to be there. Let me introduce you to someone first. He's the client i told you about in rajasthan and a close friend."

I gestured for Aahna to follow me inside the office where Krish was still engrossed in reviewing the papers. "malhotra, this is Aahna, my fiancée. Aahna, meet Krish Malhotra."

Krish glanced up from the papers, acknowledging Aahna with a nod. 

With introductions made, I turned back to Krish. "I'll have my team prepare the necessary documents according to your specifications, Malhotra. Is there anything else you need from me?"

Krish shook his head, his expression stoic. "No, that'll be all. I'll await the updated documents."

With that, Krish gathered his papers and stood up. "I'll await the updated documents," he reiterated, his cold demeanor unchanged.

I nodded, "You'll have them by the end of the day, Malhotra."

he nodded and stood up without another word, his attention back on the papers. He left my office as abruptly as he had entered, the door closing behind him with a definitive click.

Aahna, turned to me. "inko bolna nhi aata kya? mundi hilaaye jaara the bas."

I chuckled, "Well, that's the Krish malhotra. Straight to the point, no unnecessary words."

Aahna raised an eyebrow, "Itna serious kon hota hai? Lagta hai smile karne pe tax lagta hai unko."

I chuckled  and turned to her with a grin. "Well, enough about him, sunshine. Let's focus on us and this Maha Puja jiske liye aapki hone vaali mother-in-law itni excited hai."

Aahna blushed at my words, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "I guess aunty really wants to make sure we start this new chapter with all the blessings. It's sweet, though."

I stepped closer to her, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You know sunshine, no matter how serious or business-like the day gets, having you here brightens everything up."

"veer, chalo ab..." Aahna began, looking up at me with a playful glint in her eyes.

I raised an eyebrow, "Ab kahan?"

She grinned, "Abhi toh Maha Puja ke liye ready hone ghar"

 "Chaliye madam," I replied, gesturing towards the door. 

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