39. His Wife

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Bhairav stared at the sleeping form. He felt as if there was something heavy on his heart. He had never felt guilty in his life. Never this helpless. He had promised himself that he would never let her get hurt. But he had failed in less than a week.

He had thought boosting Eesha's confidence was enough. But he was proved wrong. She needed to fight her battles yes, but until she was capable of it, he had to take care of her.

Him being a passive partner in the relationship ends today.

He thought of the obstacles, most importantly that stayed at his own home.  Vimalamma! She needed to go. She needed to go now.

How do I send her away? He thought to himself.

As the next day rolled in, he had a plan in his mind. His Jeji had talked about a theerth yatra, that she wanted to attend, but couldn't because she has much important things to do.

He could only imagine those important things!

Anyways, he had decided to send Vimalamma on a theerth yatra. He booked a travel agency and forced Vimalamma onto the bus by the end of the day.

He was glad that Eesha was knocked out till the evening. It's probably the painkillers!

Eesha, woke up later that evening. She looked around, confused. But when she realised she was still in the hotel room, she got up with a jolt.

"Hey! It's okay. It's okay. You are safe. You are good. I am here," He mumbled as he walked to her. He was still wary of touching her.

"Kriya?" she mumbled timidly. Bhairav sensed her fear.

"She is with her grandparents. Don't worry, she is doing just fine," he tried assuring her.

"How long.. How long  did I sleep?" she asked.

"Not long enough," Bhairav replied vaguely. 

Eesha didn't speak for a long time. She started fidgeting .

 She is scared! I need make sure that she is not scared of me, Bhairav thought to himself.

"So?" Bhairav started.

Eesha looked at him.

"So? What do you want to do?" He asked her, trying to be casual about it.

"Me?" she replied, her voice held the surprise, which she didn't have time hiding

"Yes, you. You have been busy since the wedding. Now that you are free, with no responsibilities of Kriya, what do you want to do?"

Eesha looked at him doubtfully , she just stared at him. Contemplating my question, he thought to himself.

Has anybody ever asked you about what you wanted Eesha? He kept his question to himself. 

"Eesha?" he prompted again. 

"I.. I never.. I don't know!" 

"No," he started sternly. "We are free and we are going to spend our time exactly the way you want. I am going to give you five minutes. You have to decide what we are going to do. If you don't decide, I will give another five minutes, and I will keep giving you five minutes till you decide," he gave an assuring smile after his speech.

And then he waited, hoping and praying that Eesha is going to let him win this round.

"Shopping" she mumbled after what felt like an eternity. Shopping was the last thing he expected her to say. But he complied nevertheless. An hour later, he found himself standing in front of a baby store. Of course! How could Eesha ever think of herself? He tried discouraging her, he mentioned the truck  load of clothes his daughter had. 

THE BRIDES - meek, curt and sillyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz