Chapter 12

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Being shattered into pieces,you completed me...

"Who are you man??Samuel asked the
person who was in the floor completely wasted and not in his right sences.
"Jungk..Junkkoook"jungkook incoherently replied him.
After coming into the restroom Samuel did not think the first thing he will be meeting someone on the floor.

"Should I leave him here or not, what if he is here alone,he seems not into his sences,he is completely wasted
What should I do?? I don't know let's leave him here" Samuel stands infront of the door of the restroom to go.


"Ahh"let's take you to the manager room he will inform someone to take care of you" Samuel lift him to stand supporting jungkook by his shoulders "I don't know why I am doing this ,I will tell jhope that I helped someone today he will be glad and ready to throw himself at me"Samuel grinned to himself.
Samuel was taking jungkook to the manager room ready to get praises from jhope in his imaginary world.
"HEY who are you and where are you taking my oppa??a girl stopped him.

"who are you girl,are you his relative or what" Samuel squinted his eyes at the girl.

"I AM SUZY and he is my oppa,you tell me that who are you to take him"Suzy was finding jungkook because she
She did not seen jungkook from a long time so she decided to find jungkook.
"Oh so he is your oppa,you made my work easy lady now I will get praises without doing any hardwork"
"What Ehh take him" Samuel totally handled him to Suzy who was now struggling to get jungkook stand".

Samuel went from there totally lost into jhope thoughts thinking about his marriage.Not noticing the poor girl who was questioning her choices to bring jungkook to the party.

"Oppa what have you done??stand still" Suzy tried to stand him still.

"Oh Suzy what happened to your oppa??"YunHee came there as she was also worried about her friend and asked her glancing at jungkook state.

"I don't know YunHee I think he drink
something very strong because of that he is not in his sences" Suzy explained her struggling to keep jungkook still.
"YunHee can you book a cab I don't think I can stay here more"Suzy said to her sadly because of her YunHee
could not celebrate with her.
"Hey don't be sad Suzy it important to take jungkook oppa home now"



"Baby you know it's my favourite club
It has cozy and homy wibe and here you can get best drinks than other places and you know this club gives their regular visitors a free access for one day in a month" a man was praising the club to his lover who was not interested in his ranting about the club he was just staring at his lover

"Baby are you hearing me??"






"Jhope" yoongi placed his hands on his shoulders.Jhope flinched at his touch.
"Jhope I am seeing you from yesterday
you are zoning out lately is everything alright,are you not feeling well"yoongi asked him being concerned.

"It's nothing" just some memories from the past  he kept last words with him.

"As you say so"yoongi was hesitant that he should ask this or not but in the end he asked is it about hi--him"

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