Chapter #25

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As Harry recounted their encounter with Isadora Morganach later that day, and the cryptic message she had imparted, Hermione's brow furrowed with concern. She glanced sidelong at Alexia, her worry evident in the slight crease of her brow and the troubled look in her eyes.

Ron, his expression serious, listened intently as Harry described the spectral apparition and her enigmatic words. "So, she just appeared out of nowhere and started talking about destinies and dark whispers?" Ron asked incredulously, a note of scepticism in his voice.

Harry nodded, his gaze flickering between his friends. "Yeah, it was... strange," he admitted. "But there was something about her, something... important."

Hermione reached out and took Alexia's hand in hers, offering a reassuring squeeze. "What do you think she meant?" she asked softly, eyes searching Alexia's face for any sign of understanding.

Alexia sighed, her gaze distant as she tried to make sense of the encounter. "I'm not sure," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But whatever it is, it feels like we're being warned about something big."

Something suddenly clicks inside Alexia's head and she stands up quickly saying to her friends she'll be back, she exits the common room and sprints to the Room of Requirement, hoping to see Isadora Morganach's portrait she saw last year to ask her some questions.

As Alexia dashed through the corridors of Hogwarts, her heart raced with anticipation. She hurried to the seventh floor, her mind racing with questions about the spectral portrait of Isadora Morganach. Bursting into the room of requirement, she scanned the walls eagerly, searching for the familiar portrait that had offered her cryptic guidance in the past.

To her relief, the portrait was there, just as she remembered it, its colours muted and faded but its presence still as imposing as ever. Alexia approached the portrait with determination, her mind buzzing with questions that only Isadora Morganach could answer.

"Isadora," she began, addressing the portrait with a mixture of urgency and trepidation, "I need your help. Something's happening, something... important. And I think you know more than you've told me."

The portrait regarded her with a knowing gaze, its painted eyes seeming to penetrate the depths of her soul. "Child," Isadora's voice echoed from the canvas, its timbre solemn and grave, "you tread a dangerous path, one fraught with peril and uncertainty."

Alexia's heart clenched with fear, but she pressed on, her determination unyielding. "I need to know," she insisted, her voice trembling slightly with emotion, "what did you mean by destiny? What's coming, and how do I stop it?"

Isadora's expression softened, a hint of sadness shadowing her features. "There are forces at work that even I cannot fully comprehend," she confessed, her voice tinged with regret. "But know this, child: your journey is not yet over. There are trials ahead that will test you in ways you cannot imagine."

Alexia swallowed hard, her mind racing with a thousand questions and a thousand fears. But despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, she knew one thing for certain: she would face whatever came her way with courage and determination, guided by the wisdom of those who had come before her.

"Perhaps this can give you some clarifications." " the portrait says, pointing behind Alexia, where a pensive is waiting for her.

As Alexia peered into the depths of the Pensieve, she felt herself being pulled into the memory, the scene unfolding before her like a vivid dream. She found herself standing in the halls of Hogwarts, surrounded by the imposing figures of Isadora Morganach and four unknown individuals. Isadora stood tall and resolute, her gaze unwavering despite the palpable tension in the air.

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