Chapter #29

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As the curse courses through her body, Alexia's world narrows to a singular point of searing agony. Every nerve screams in protest, her muscles contorting uncontrollably as waves of torment wash over her like a relentless tide. It feels as though her very essence is being torn apart, shredded by the relentless attack of pain.

But amidst the chaos, amidst the blinding agony that threatens to consume her, Alexia clings to a single, solitary thought: resist. The whisper in her mind grows louder, urging her to fight back, to defy the darkness that seeks to engulf her.

And then, as suddenly as it began, the pain stops. Alexia lies gasping on the cold ground, her body trembling with the aftershocks of her ordeal. The echo of her screams still rings in her ears, a haunting reminder of the horrors she has endured.

But there is no time to dwell on her suffering, for Voldemort's voice pierces the silence like a dagger to the heart. His words send a shiver down her spine, his presence looming over her like a dark shadow.

"You have potential, girl," Voldemort hisses, his voice dripping with malice. "You are the wielder of the Ancient Magic, a power that could tip the scales in my favour. You will serve me well, Alexia Jackson. You will serve me or you will perish."

The weight of his words hangs heavy in the air, suffocating in its intensity. Alexia's heart pounds in her chest, her mind racing as she grapples with the gravity of Voldemort's threat. But even in the face of such overwhelming darkness, a spark of defiance flickers within her, a stubborn refusal to surrender to the evil that seeks to claim her.

Alexia's senses reel as she hears the distant sound of a blast, the ground beneath her feet shaking with the force of the impact. Her heart lurches in her chest as she struggles to make sense of the chaos unfolding around her, her mind racing with a jumble of thoughts and emotions.

Through the haze of pain and confusion, she sees Harry and Cedric, their expressions mirroring her own bewilderment as they take in their surroundings. The Triwizard Cup lies tantalizingly close.

Desperation floods Alexia's veins as she tries to scream for Harry, to warn him of the danger lurking nearby, but her voice catches in her throat, choked off by the searing pain radiating through her body. Every inch of her aches with a fierce intensity, a relentless agony that threatens to consume her whole.

But then, through the haze of her suffering, she sees Harry's eyes lock onto hers, a flicker of recognition sparking in their depths. With a sense of determination born of sheer willpower, he rushes towards her, his movements slightly laboured from the ordeal of the third task.

As Harry reaches her side, Alexia feels a surge of relief washes over her, his presence a reassuring anchor in the storm of chaos that surrounds them. With trembling hands, he works to free her from the confines of the tombstone, his touch gentle yet urgent as he strives to ease her suffering.

But as Alexia struggles to rise to her feet, she feels a wave of dizziness wash over her, her strength drained by the ordeal she has endured. With a shaky breath, she manages to warn Harry of the danger lurking nearby, her voice barely a whisper as she speaks.

"Wormtail... he's here," she gasps, her words a grim reminder of the peril they face.As Alexia's warning leaves her lips, Harry winces in agony, a sharp cry escaping him as his scar blazes with searing pain. Cedric, alarmed by Harry's distress, rushes to their side, concern etched across his features as he seeks to understand the source of Harry's suffering.

whispers (h.g x fem oc) book 2Where stories live. Discover now