Feel Alive [babexcharlie]part 3

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Next day, while Charlie was working, one of his seniors approached him.

Jump: Charlie, I have some work for you. Can you separate the database of everyone we are shareholders with so that I can give it to the boss?

Charlie: In my opinion, that's your work, and besides, I don't work in the database management area, Jump. I think you should do it. If I'm wrong, you'll be in trouble.

Jump: That's not your problem. Nobody cares about your opinion. Do what I told you, and I want it by tomorrow. That's it.

Charlie: I'm afraid I can't do that. It's not my work.

Jump: Can you come to the stairs? Let's talk this out, shall we?

As they left in a fuss, Aniya approached Charlie.

Aniya: Are you sure, Charlie? Should I come with you? Jump is not one to take lightly.

Charlie: I'll handle it. I don't want you to get in trouble. I'll be right back.

Charlie and Jump reached the stairwell.

Charlie: Yes, Senior?

Jump: What's your problem? Can't you do a favor for your senior? Why are you being such a piece of shit?

Charlie: I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm just following rules. That's it. I don't want any problems for you, me, or anyone.

Jump: You're doing this because you don't want me to complain about you not working well. Then take it as an order.

As Jump threw the papers at Charlie's face, Charlie adjusted his glasses, which had tilted due to the papers, and bent down to gather them.

Charlie: I will do it, sir. I can see you feel that you're not qualified for this, so you're putting it on a minor like me to do it.

Jump: Are you crazy? That's why you're here, to work under me. That's all, and I'm telling you to do it!

Charlie: Sir, I know, but that's just what you stole from me. I was going to be promoted, but you used my files to get promoted instead. I won't cheat anyone like that.

Suddenly, Jump got angry and was about to slap Charlie. Charlie, ready to get slapped, closed his eyes. However, when he opened them, he saw Babe holding Jump's hand, pushing it away as Jump trembled.

Babe: What the heck is going on here? Can you explain?

Jump: Sir, I... I... He was just not cooperating, so I—

Babe: You decided to slap an employee?

Jump: Sir, I—

Babe: Mr. Jump, you're fired for breaking the rules of abuse and cheating.

Jump: But sir, what are you saying?

Babe: I said you're fired. Now go, take your things, and get out of the company.

Babe then grabbed Charlie's hand and took him to his office.

As they entered the office:

Charlie: Boss, please let go of my hand.

Babe: Oh, yeah, okay.

Babe went and sat down in his chair.

Charlie: You shouldn't have fired him, sir. He has a family to feed, and that was just a minor thing to do. You shouldn't have been so harsh, but I'm no one to speak.

Babe: What about you? Why didn't you get back at him for cheating to get promoted? And if he's there to feed his family, what about your family and you? Wasn't that slap a harsh thing to do?

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