BDSM (Winner x Dean) Part 17

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Winner: "You look ridiculous."

Dean: "Yeah."

Sonic: "What's with them? Ugh, I am disgusted."

Tay: "Okay, enough with the talk. Looks like we have to endure the night. It will be cold out here. We should check all sides of the island to get wood, tent, and other important things. Understand, guys?"

Winner: "Who made you the ruler here?"

Everyone: "USS, any problem?"

Winner: "Okay, okay."

Tay: "So, who is going with who?"

Dean: "So..."

Sonic: "I'll go with North."

Winner: "Tay..."

New: "I'll go with Tay."

Prem: "I'll go with Boun."

Winner: "What do you mean, guys?"

As Prem kicked Sonic to Winner.

Dean: "Let's go, or else they won't help us in any way."

Winner: "If you let me go back, I'll sue you all!"

Prem: "Okay, okay, sue us. We will see. Let's go, guys."

mood meter:senorita 

As Winner and Dean walked, an awkward silence hung between them, punctuated only by the rustle of leaves underfoot.

Dean broke the silence, gesturing towards the setting sun. "Look there, the sun. It's really pretty. I think this is my first time ever appreciating a sundown."

Winner couldn't help but tease him lightly. "You've always been in your head. Of course, it will be your first time doing something simple."

Dean raised an eyebrow, amused by Winner's comment. "You think I'm simple?"

Winner shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't get me wrong. You're not simple. You're like a doppelganger. One side of you is this nerd guy who loves his reputation and has this serious face for being the most respected. And the other side is what I see every Thursday."

Dean smirked at Winner's observation. "Is it, now?" he replied, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

meanwhile northsonic

mood meter: Love Me Back 

As Sonic tried to assist, North gently stopped him.

North: "Don't come here. Sit down. You're not moving until I find a way inside, okay? You just heal there. No reason for you to get excessively working, okay? It's for your health."

Sonic: "But I want to help. We have to do this together."

North tenderly caressed Sonic's hands.

North: "Leave the work to me, and leave the beauty to you, okay?" he smiled.

Sonic: "But be careful. Don't fall, okay? Just peek and be careful about dogs. They're those big huskies."

North: "Okay, okay. Just wait."

As North attempted to climb the large wall and failed miserably, Sonic sighed in frustration.

Sonic: "Nothing."

North nodded in agreement.

After about an hour, they realized there was little they could do. However, they managed to find two cartons of fresh water.

North opened one bottle for Sonic.

North: "Here you go. You must be thirsty. You were sweating earlier."

As Sonic looked at North, who himself was sweating profusely, his shirt drenched, but his smile unwavering.

Sonic: "You have to first look at you. I'm going to cry if you take care of me like this."

North: "What?"

Sonic: "What do you mean? I was thirsty, and I'm sweating. When I look at you, you have been trying to be the nicest, sweating constantly. You'll be the one who is thirsty. Don't treat yourself like that."

North: "Okay, okay. I'll drink, so I am drinking now. Have some. Oh, and I remember." North took out a chocolate from his pocket. "Here, you can have this. I don't have food, but this is all yours."

Sonic poured and took the chocolate, removed its wrapper, and put it between his lips.

North: "What?"

Sonic: "Hmm..."

North: "You want me to?"

Sonic nodded.

North: "Okay, okay, sir." He kissed Sonic, then broke the chocolate in two pieces in their mouths and ate it together.

TAY NEW meanwhile 

mood meter:Bambi (baekhyun)

New: "I don't feel good. It's too hot and too dark as well."

Tay: "Give me a minute. See this?" Tay magically opened a lighter, casting a small light which made New's heart feel lighter.

New: "Oh yeah, I have mine as well." He checked his pocket.

Tay: "This is yours."

New: "What do you mean?"

Tay: "I stole it from you on the yacht. No smoking for you."

New: "Really? Don't you think it's a little harsh, you being like this? I will go crazy if this goes on. You made me leave those, and now this. What can I do? I am also human."

Tay: "Hmm, the woods are here. You helped, so now we're just going to walk back. And if you want to smoke... hmm."

New looked at him, conflicted. "I am hot. What should I do?"

Tay smiled. "Wait." He took out a cigarette from his pocket.

New: "You're giving me this?"

Tay: "Uh, no, I am not. Just wait and see what I do."

As the cigarette's ember glowed in the darkness, Tay brought it to his lips, inhaling deeply before exhaling a plume of smoke into the night air. The faint scent of tobacco hung in the air, mingling with the sounds of the forest around them.

New watched as Tay took another drag, the smoke curling around his fingers as he held the cigarette. There was a tense energy between them, a silent understanding passing between them as they stood in the dim light of Tay's lighter.

Suddenly, Tay's hand moved, reaching out to gently grasp New's neck. At first, New tensed, unsure of what Tay was doing. But then he felt the warmth of Tay's hand, the gentle pressure guiding him closer.

With a mixture of curiosity and hesitation, New allowed himself to be drawn closer, his breath catching as Tay slowly let him inhale the smoke. It was an intimate gesture, the shared act of smoking becoming something more, something intimate between them.

As New took a deep breath, he felt a rush of warmth spreading through him When Tay finally released him, New took a step back,

Tay: "Better?"

New pushed Tay away. "You can't play with a player."

Tay: "You're the player I have played with many times." He smiled.

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